The CONNECT BY patch from evgen potemkin has been ported to  pg 8.2...
and it's now in BSD License...

I will test it on our test environement

Le jeudi 25 janvier 2007 à 11:08 +0000, Gregory Stark a écrit :

> Hm, having skimmed through the Evgen Potemkin's recursive queries patch I find
> it quite different from what I was expecting. My own thinking was headed off
> in a different direction.
> Basically the existing patch reimplements a new kind of join which implements
> a kind of nested loop join (with newer versions adding a kind of hash join)
> which feeds a new kind of tuplestore called a tupleconn.
> I was thinking to have a new node above a standard join. The new node would
> repeatedly feed back down to the join the results of the previous iteration
> and reexecute the join to get the next generation.
> I think my approach is more in line with the DB2/ANSI "WITH" style query which
> is expected to do a breadth-first search. The Oracle CONNECT BY syntax is
> expected to do a depth first search.
> I have two major issues with the repeated-join model though. 
> a) Ideally we would want to switch between nested loop, merge join, and hash
> join depending on the size of the previous generation. That means the join
> node wouldn't be the same type of join for all the iterations. This is
> important since in most applications you're traversing either up or down a
> tree and are likely starting with very few nodes but often ending up with very
> broad levels with many nodes. No single type of join will be appropriate for
> the whole plan execution.
> b) I do want to be able to support depth-first searching too. I'm not sure how
> to reconcile that with the repeated-join conceptual model. We could always
> resort the entire result set after generating it but that seems like an
> unsatisfactory solution.
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