Kate F <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ... does PostgreSQL replace my system's snprintf() prototype with
> its own implementation's?

We do on some platforms where configure decides the system version
is deficient ... I don't recall the exact conditions at the moment.
I wouldn't really have expected that to happen on any *BSD, but you
could look into the generated Makefile.global to find out.

> For reference, the relevant part of C99:
> 2 If n is zero, nothing is written, and s may be a null
>   pointer.

For reference, the relevant part of the Single Unix Spec:

        If the value of n is zero on a call to snprintf(), an
        unspecified value less than 1 is returned.

So the behavior you'd like to depend on is unportable anyway, and
that coding will get rejected if submitted as a Postgres patch.

                        regards, tom lane

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