On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 10:48:49PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Matthew T. O'Connor" <matthew@zeut.net> writes:
> > That does sounds simpler. Is chunk-at-a-time a realistic option for 8.3?
> It seems fairly trivial to me to have a scheme where you do one
> fill-workmem-and-scan-indexes cycle per invocation, and store the
> next-heap-page-to-scan in some handy place (new pg_class column updated
> along with relpages/reltuples, likely).  Galy is off in left field with
> some far more complex ideas :-( but I don't see that there's all that
> much needed to support this behavior ... especially if we don't expose
> it to the SQL level but only support it for autovac's use.  Then we're
> not making any big commitment to support the behavior forever.

The problem I see there is that the case we're trying to fix is tables
that need to be vacuumed every few minutes. As I posted elsewhere, it's
reasonable to assume a vacuum rate of ~1000 pages/second for a small
table that's going to be in memory (assuming that vacuum dirties every
page). That means that you can only dirty about 60k pages per cycle,
which seems way to small to be practical unless we come up with a way to
avoid scanning the indexes on every cycle.

The proposal to save enough state to be able to resume a vacuum at
pretty much any point in it's cycle might work; we'd have to benchmark
it.  With the default maintenance_work_mem of 128M it would mean writing
out 64M of state every minute on average, which is likely to take
several seconds to fsync (though, maybe we wouldn't need to fsync it...)
Jim Nasby                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)

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