tsearch2 regression tests are also failing on win32/msvc, with attached

Any pointers on where to start? ;)

*** ./expected/tsearch2.out     2006-09-10 19:36:52.000000000 +0200
--- ./results/tsearch2.out      2007-03-24 15:03:01.593750000 +0100
*** 799,806 ****
  /usr/local/fff /awdf/dwqe/4325 rewt/ewr wefjn /wqe-324/ewr gist.h gist.h.c 
gist.c. readline 4.2 4.2. 4.2, readline-4.2 readline-4.2. 234 
  <i <b> wow  < jqw <> qwerty');
!  'ad':17 'dw':19 'jf':39 '234':63 '345':1 '4.2':54,55,56,59,62 '455':31 
'jqw':66 'qwe':2,18,27,28,35 'wer':36 'wow':65 'asdf':37 'ewr1':43 'qwer':38 
'sdjk':40 '5.005':32 'efd.r':3 'ewri2':44 'hjwer':42 'qwqwe':29 'wefjn':48 
'gist.c':52 'gist.h':50 'qwerti':67 '234.435':30 'qwe-wer':34 
'readlin':53,58,61 'www.com':4 '+4.0e-10':26 'gist.h.c':51 'rewt/ewr':47 
'/?ad=qwe&dw':7,10,14,22 '/wqe-324/ewr':49 'aew.werc.ewr':6 
'readline-4.2':57,60 '1aew.werc.ewr':9 '2aew.werc.ewr':11 '3aew.werc.ewr':13 
'4aew.werc.ewr':15 '/usr/local/fff':45 '/awdf/dwqe/4325':46 '[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]':33 '/?ad=qwe&dw=%20%32':25 '5aew.werc.ewr:8100':16 
'6aew.werc.ewr:8100':21 '7aew.werc.ewr:8100':24 'aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw':5 
'1aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw':8 '3aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw':12 
'6aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw':20 '7aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw=%20%32':23
  (1 row)
  SELECT length(to_tsvector('default', '345 qw'));
--- 799,806 ----
  /usr/local/fff /awdf/dwqe/4325 rewt/ewr wefjn /wqe-324/ewr gist.h gist.h.c 
gist.c. readline 4.2 4.2. 4.2, readline-4.2 readline-4.2. 234 
  <i <b> wow  < jqw <> qwerty');
!  'i':64 'ad':17 'dw':19 'jf':39 'we':41 '234':63 '345':1 '4.2':54,55,56,59,62 
'455':31 'jqw':66 'qwe':2,18,27,28,35 'wer':36 'wow':65 'asdf':37 'ewr1':43 
'qwer':38 'sdjk':40 '5.005':32 'efd.r':3 'ewri2':44 'hjwer':42 'qwqwe':29 
'wefjn':48 'gist.c':52 'gist.h':50 'qwerti':67 '234.435':30 'qwe-wer':34 
'readlin':53,58,61 'www.com':4 '+4.0e-10':26 'gist.h.c':51 'rewt/ewr':47 
'/?ad=qwe&dw':7,10,14,22 '/wqe-324/ewr':49 'aew.werc.ewr':6 
'readline-4.2':57,60 '1aew.werc.ewr':9 '2aew.werc.ewr':11 '3aew.werc.ewr':13 
'4aew.werc.ewr':15 '/usr/local/fff':45 '/awdf/dwqe/4325':46 '[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]':33 '/?ad=qwe&dw=%20%32':25 '5aew.werc.ewr:8100':16 
'6aew.werc.ewr:8100':21 '7aew.werc.ewr:8100':24 'aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw':5 
'1aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw':8 '3aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw':12 
'6aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw':20 '7aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw=%20%32':23
  (1 row)
  SELECT length(to_tsvector('default', '345 qw'));
*** 814,820 ****
  <i <b> wow  < jqw <> qwerty'));
!      51
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', 'qwe & sKies '); 
--- 814,820 ----
  <i <b> wow  < jqw <> qwerty'));
!      53
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', 'qwe & sKies '); 
*** 831,868 ****
  select to_tsquery('default', '''the wether'':dc & ''           sKies '':BC ');
! ------------------------
!  'wether':CD & 'sky':BC
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', 'asd&(and|fghj)');
! ----------------
!  'asd' & 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', '(asd&and)|fghj');
! ----------------
!  'asd' | 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', '(asd&!and)|fghj');
! ----------------
!  'asd' | 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', '(the|and&(i&1))&fghj');
! --------------
!  '1' & 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select plainto_tsquery('default', 'the and z 1))& fghj');
! --------------------
!  'z' & '1' & 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select plainto_tsquery('default', 'foo bar') && plainto_tsquery('default', 
--- 831,868 ----
  select to_tsquery('default', '''the wether'':dc & ''           sKies '':BC ');
! -----------------------------------
!  'the':CD & 'wether':CD & 'sky':BC
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', 'asd&(and|fghj)');
! ----------------------------
!  'asd' & ( 'and' | 'fghj' )
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', '(asd&and)|fghj');
! ------------------------
!  'asd' & 'and' | 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', '(asd&!and)|fghj');
! -------------------------
!  'asd' & !'and' | 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select to_tsquery('default', '(the|and&(i&1))&fghj');
! ----------------------------------------
!  ( 'the' | 'and' & 'i' & '1' ) & 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select plainto_tsquery('default', 'the and z 1))& fghj');
! ------------------------------------
!  'the' & 'and' & 'z' & '1' & 'fghj'
  (1 row)
  select plainto_tsquery('default', 'foo bar') && plainto_tsquery('default', 
*** 2227,2234 ****
   9h        |    1 |      1
   9r        |    1 |      1
   9w        |    1 |      1
   qwerti    |    1 |      1
! (1146 rows)
  insert into test_tsvector values ('1', 'a:1a,2,3b b:5a,6a,7c,8');
  insert into test_tsvector values ('1', 'a:1a,2,3c b:5a,6b,7c,8b');
--- 2227,2236 ----
   9h        |    1 |      1
   9r        |    1 |      1
   9w        |    1 |      1
+  over      |    1 |      1
   qwerti    |    1 |      1
!  the       |    1 |      1
! (1148 rows)
  insert into test_tsvector values ('1', 'a:1a,2,3b b:5a,6a,7c,8');
  insert into test_tsvector values ('1', 'a:1a,2,3c b:5a,6b,7c,8b');
*** 2262,2270 ****
   bar       |    1 |      2
   345       |    1 |      1
   b         |    1 |      1
   qq        |    1 |      1
   qwerti    |    1 |      1
! (8 rows)
  select * from stat('select a from test_tsvector','ad') order by ndoc desc, 
nentry desc, word;
     word    | ndoc | nentry 
--- 2264,2274 ----
   bar       |    1 |      2
   345       |    1 |      1
   b         |    1 |      1
+  over      |    1 |      1
   qq        |    1 |      1
   qwerti    |    1 |      1
!  the       |    1 |      1
! (10 rows)
  select * from stat('select a from test_tsvector','ad') order by ndoc desc, 
nentry desc, word;
     word    | ndoc | nentry 
*** 2275,2283 ****
   foo       |    1 |      3
   bar       |    1 |      2
   345       |    1 |      1
   qq        |    1 |      1
   qwerti    |    1 |      1
! (8 rows)
  select reset_tsearch();
  NOTICE:  TSearch cache cleaned
--- 2279,2289 ----
   foo       |    1 |      3
   bar       |    1 |      2
   345       |    1 |      1
+  over      |    1 |      1
   qq        |    1 |      1
   qwerti    |    1 |      1
!  the       |    1 |      1
! (10 rows)
  select reset_tsearch();
  NOTICE:  TSearch cache cleaned
*** 2344,2351 ****
  Upon a woman s face. E.  J.  Pratt  (1882 1964)
  '), to_tsquery('sea&thousand&years'));
!  eros took {1 sea thousand year }1 {2 thousand year trace granit featur cliff 
crag scarp base took sea }2 hour one night hour storm place sculptur granit 
seam upon woman face e j pratt 1882 1964 
  (1 row)
  select get_covers(to_tsvector('Erosion It took the sea a thousand years,
--- 2350,2357 ----
  Upon a woman s face. E.  J.  Pratt  (1882 1964)
  '), to_tsquery('sea&thousand&years'));
!  eros it took the {1 sea a thousand year }1 a {2 thousand year to trace the 
granit featur of this cliff in crag and scarp and base it took the sea }2 an 
hour one night an hour of storm to place the sculptur of these granit seam upon 
a woman s face e j pratt 1882 1964 
  (1 row)
  select get_covers(to_tsvector('Erosion It took the sea a thousand years,
*** 2358,2365 ****
  Upon a woman s face. E.  J.  Pratt  (1882 1964)
  '), to_tsquery('granite&sea'));
!  eros took {1 sea thousand year thousand year trace {2 granit }1 featur cliff 
crag scarp base took {3 sea }2 hour one night hour storm place sculptur granit 
}3 seam upon woman face e j pratt 1882 1964 
  (1 row)
  select get_covers(to_tsvector('Erosion It took the sea a thousand years,
--- 2364,2371 ----
  Upon a woman s face. E.  J.  Pratt  (1882 1964)
  '), to_tsquery('granite&sea'));
!  eros it took the {1 sea a thousand year a thousand year to trace the {2 
granit }1 featur of this cliff in crag and scarp and base it took the {3 sea }2 
an hour one night an hour of storm to place the sculptur of these granit }3 
seam upon a woman s face e j pratt 1882 1964 
  (1 row)
  select get_covers(to_tsvector('Erosion It took the sea a thousand years,
*** 2372,2379 ****
  Upon a woman s face. E.  J.  Pratt  (1882 1964)
  '), to_tsquery('sea'));
!  eros took {1 sea }1 thousand year thousand year trace granit featur cliff 
crag scarp base took {2 sea }2 hour one night hour storm place sculptur granit 
seam upon woman face e j pratt 1882 1964 
  (1 row)
  select headline('Erosion It took the sea a thousand years,
--- 2378,2385 ----
  Upon a woman s face. E.  J.  Pratt  (1882 1964)
  '), to_tsquery('sea'));
!  eros it took the {1 sea }1 a thousand year a thousand year to trace the 
granit featur of this cliff in crag and scarp and base it took the {2 sea }2 an 
hour one night an hour of storm to place the sculptur of these granit seam upon 
a woman s face e j pratt 1882 1964 
  (1 row)
  select headline('Erosion It took the sea a thousand years,
*** 2461,2467 ****
   default | lword    | Latin word  | Tsearch    | {en_stem} | 'tsearch'
   default | lword    | Latin word  | module     | {en_stem} | 'modul'
!  default | lword    | Latin word  | for        | {en_stem} | 
   default | lword    | Latin word  | PostgreSQL | {en_stem} | 'postgresql'
   default | version  | VERSION     | 7.3.3      | {simple}  | '7.3.3'
  (5 rows)
--- 2467,2473 ----
   default | lword    | Latin word  | Tsearch    | {en_stem} | 'tsearch'
   default | lword    | Latin word  | module     | {en_stem} | 'modul'
!  default | lword    | Latin word  | for        | {en_stem} | 'for'
   default | lword    | Latin word  | PostgreSQL | {en_stem} | 'postgresql'
   default | version  | VERSION     | 7.3.3      | {simple}  | '7.3.3'
  (5 rows)
*** 2481,2487 ****
   f        | 
   f        | 
   f        | '345':1 'qwerti':2 'copyright':3
!  f        | 'qq':7 'bar':2,8 'foo':1,3,6 'copyright':9
   f        | 'a':1A,2,3B 'b':5A,6A,7C,8
   f        | 'a':1A,2,3C 'b':5A,6B,7C,8B
   f        | '7w' 'ch' 'd7' 'eo' 'gw' 'i4' 'lq' 'o6' 'qt' 'y0'
--- 2487,2493 ----
   f        | 
   f        | 
   f        | '345':1 'qwerti':2 'copyright':3
!  f        | 'qq':7 'bar':2,8 'foo':1,3,6 'the':4 'over':5 'copyright':9
   f        | 'a':1A,2,3B 'b':5A,6A,7C,8
   f        | 'a':1A,2,3C 'b':5A,6B,7C,8B
   f        | '7w' 'ch' 'd7' 'eo' 'gw' 'i4' 'lq' 'o6' 'qt' 'y0'


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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