
On 4/23/07, Josh Berkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Oh, you're talking about distributing partitions across different nodes
> > and parallelizing queries. No, we don't do that today.
> Yes.This is the goal. Well, I will try it. I'll send the project
> reports to this list. Comments will be valuable. Desire me good
> luck...

You might join/look at the PgPoolII project, which is working on parallel
query amoung other things.

The pgpool is an interesting approach to this, but I think that the
funcionality of inserting a record at a backend which will be
"redirectioned" to other and verifying deadlocks under network demands
in acquiring locks on the referenced records/tables in several hosts.
Then, IMO, this may be implemented inside dbms. How Marko wrote, this
is a non-trivial solution...
Really, It could be improved on pgpool to be a process coordinator,
but will need some changes in backend too.
This is a non trivial implementation, but there are several users
waiting for an effective solution for data distributing in a cluster.
These users actually buy commercial solutions or build themselves one.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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