Starting from a review of a patch from Itagaki Takahiro to improve LIKE performance for UTF8-encoded databases, I have been working on improving both efficiency of the LIKE/ILIKE code and the code quality.

The main efficiency improvement comes from some fairly tricky analysis and discussion on -patches. Essentially there are two calls that we make to advance the text and pattern cursors: NextByte and NextChar. In the case of single byte charsets these are in fact the same thing, but in multi byte charsets they are obviously not, and in that case NextChar is a lot more expensive. It turns out (according to the analysis) that the only time we actually need to use NextChar is when we are matching an "_" in a like/ilike pattern. It also turns out that there are some comparison tests that we can hoist out of a loop and thus avoid repeating over and over. Also, some calls can be marked "inline" to improve efficiency. Finally, the special case of computing lower(x) on the fly for ILIKE comparisons on single byte charset strings turns out to have the potential to call lower() O(n^2) times, so it has been removed and we now treat foo ILIKE bar as lower(foo) LIKE lower(bar) for all charsets uniformly. There will be cases where this approach wins and cases where it loses, but the wins are potentially dramatic, whereas the losses should be mild.

The current state of this work is at

I've been testing it using a set of 5m rows of random Latin1 data - each row is between 100 and 400 chars long, and 20% of them (roughly) have the string "foo" randomly located within them. The test platform is gcc/fc6/AMD64.

I have loaded the data into both Latin1 and UTF8 encoded databases. (I'm not sure if there are other multibyte charsets that are compatible with Latin1 client encoding). My test is essentially:

 select count(*) from footable where t like '%_foo%';
 select count(*) from footable where t ilike '%_foo%';

 select count(*) from footable where t like '%foo%';
 select count(*) from footable where t ilike '%foo%';

Note that the "%_" case is probably the worst for these changes, since it involves lots of calls to NextChar() (see above).

The multibyte results show significant improvement. The results are about flat or a slight improvement for the singlebyte cases. I'll post some numbers on this shortly.

But before I commit this I'd appreciate seeing some more testing, both for correctness and performance.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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