On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 12:12:51PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ... It turns out (according to the analysis) that the 
> > only time we actually need to use NextChar is when we are matching an 
> > "_" in a like/ilike pattern.
> I thought we'd determined that advancing bytewise for "%" was also risky,
> in two cases:
> 1. Multibyte character set that is not UTF8 (more specifically, does not
> have a guarantee that first bytes and not-first bytes are distinct)
> 2. "_" immediately follows the "%".

Have you considered a two pass approach? First pass - match on bytes.
Only if you find a match with the first pass, start a second pass to
do a 'safe' check?

Are there optimizations to recognize whether the index was created as
lower(field) or upper(field), and translate ILIKE to the appropriate


.  .  _  ._  . .   .__    .  . ._. .__ .   . . .__  | Neighbourhood Coder
|\/| |_| |_| |/    |_     |\/|  |  |_  |   |/  |_   | 
|  | | | | \ | \   |__ .  |  | .|. |__ |__ | \ |__  | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all
                       and in the darkness bind them...


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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