"Teodor Sigaev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Hm, are you trying to say that it's sane to have different tsvectors in
>> a column computed under different language settings?  Maybe we're all
> Yes, I think so.
> That might have sense for close languages. Norwegian languages has two 
> dialects
> and one of them has advanced rules for compound words, russian and ukranian 
> has
> similar rules etc. Operation @@ is language (and encoding) independent, it use
> just strcmp call.

To support this sanely though wouldn't you need to know which language rule a
tsvector was generated with? Like, have a byte in the tsvector tagging it with
the language rule forever more?

What I'm wondering about is if you use a different rule than what was used
when an index entry was inserted will you get different results using the
index than you would doing a sequential scan and reapplying the operator to
every datum?

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com

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