On 6/20/07, Chris Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Marko Kreen") writes:
> To Chris: you should like PgQ, its just stored procs in database,
> plus it's basically just generalized Slony-I, with some optimizations,
> so should be familiar territory ;)

Looks interesting...

Thanks :)

Random ideas
- insert_event in C (way to get rid of plpython)

Yeah, I'm with that...  Ever tried building [foo] on AIX, where foo in
('perl', 'python', ...)???  :-(

It seems rather excessive to add in a whole stored procedure language
simply for one function...

Well, it's standard in our installations as we use it for
other stuff too.  It's much easier to prototype in PL/Python
than in C...

As it has not been performance problem I have not bothered
to rewrite it.  But now the interface has been stable some
time, it could be done.


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