Stefan Kaltenbrunner napsal(a):
Zdenek Kotala wrote:
Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
Zdenek Kotala wrote:
Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
Zdenek Kotala wrote:
For sun studio -erroff=E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED is useful there. If you
want to determine warning tags for each warning add -errtags.
Is that supported on all versions of sun studio(Sun WorkShop 6, Sun
Studio 8,11) we have on the farm ?
Yes. Also on SS12.
hmm - sure about that ? I was about to submit a patch to disable some
compiler warnings but then I noted the following discussion thread:

which seems to indicate that at least the compiler installed on kudu:

does NOT support turning of specific warnings.

I tested it on cc version 5.3 and it works. See

ah cool - thanks for testing!

so on my box we would need to add

to CFLAGS to get down to the following 2 warnings:

"pgstat.c", line 652: warning: const object should have initializer:
"pgstat.c", line 2118: warning: const object should have initializer:

the open question is if that is what want or if we would be simply
adding (unnecessary) complexity (or confusion).

comments ?

E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED,E_END_OF_LOOP_CODE_NOT_REACHED, E_EMPTY_TRANSLATION_UNIT are probably ok to ignore. E_FUNC_HAS_NO_RETURN_STMT is there because main is leaved by exit() instead return. And In another case It should be regular warning.

I think good solution is compare previous warning log with latest build and make a diff. If some new warning appears it is probably regular warning.


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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