1. I am not able use fulltext with latin2 encoding :( I missing note
about only utf8 dictionaries in doc).
You can use any server encoding, but dictionary's files should be in utf8 - dictionary will convert utf8 files into server encoding.

2. with hspell dictionaries (fresh copy from open office) I got
different and wrong results.
postgres=# select to_tsvector('cs','Příliš žlutý kůň se napil žluté
vody') @@ to_tsquery('cs','napít');
(1 row)

Pls, output of:
select ts_lexize('cspell','napil');
select to_tsvector('cs','Příliš žlutý kůň se napil žluté

Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/

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