On 9/13/07, Zeugswetter Andreas ADI SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The COLD updated (old) tuple would be pruned to dead line pointer
> > once the tuple becomes DEAD. Normally that would let us reuse the
> > tuple storage for other purposes. We do the same for DELETEd tuples.
> Oh, I thought only pruned tuples from HOT chains can produce a
> "redirect dead" line pointer.
> This looks like a problem, since we might end up with a page filled with
> LP_DEAD slots, that all have no visibility info and can thus not be
> cleaned
> by vacuum.
It has nothing to do with visibility info. We already know the tuple is DEAD
and thats why its line pointer is LP_DEAD.


Pavan Deolasee
EnterpriseDB     http://www.enterprisedb.com

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