PostgreSQL consists of multiple processes, launched by postmaster, make
sure you are debugging the right one. After connecting to a database
with your favorite client (i.e. psql) you can use ps (if you have a
unix-like system) or a task manager to determine a pid of postgres
process and then attach to that process with a debugger.

Pedro Belmino wrote:
> Hellow,
> I continue to have problems using the debugger, can not achieve any
> breakpoint that is outside the postmaster.c? Can anyone give me any hint?
> Where do I mark a breakpoint so that I can follow the creation of an index
> to file index.c for example?
> Thank,
> -- 
> Pedro Belmino.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Ciência da Computação - UNIFOR
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

Alexey Klyukin               
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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