Mon Jan 29 03:53:56 2001
Sat Feb 17 10:22:38 2001
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@
    * Can statements remain open across commits?  They may, but
    * this driver cannot guarentee that.  In further reflection.
-   * we are talking a Statement object jere, so the answer is
+   * we are talking a Statement object here, so the answer is
    * yes, since the Statement is only a vehicle to ExecSQL()
    * @return true if they always remain open; false otherwise
@@ -2185,6 +2185,81 @@
+  private Vector importLoop(java.sql.ResultSet keyRelation) throws
SQLException {
+    String s,s2;
+    String origTable=null, primTable=new String(""), schema;
+    int i;
+    Vector v;
+    s=keyRelation.getString(1);
+    s2=s;
+    System.out.println(s);
+    v=new Vector();
+    for (i=0;;i++) {
+      s=s.substring(s.indexOf("\\000")+4);
+      if (s.compareTo("")==0) {
+       System.out.println();
+       break;
+      }
+      s2=s.substring(0,s.indexOf("\\000"));
+      switch (i) {
+      case 0:
+       origTable=s2;
+       break;
+      case 1:
+       primTable=s2;
+       break;
+      case 2:
+       schema=s2;
+       break;
+      default:
+       v.add(s2);
+      }
+  }
+  java.sql.ResultSet rstmp=connection.ExecSQL("select * from
"+origTable+" where 1=0");
+  java.sql.ResultSetMetaData origCols=rstmp.getMetaData();
+  String stmp;
+  Vector tuples=new Vector();
+  byte tuple[][];
+  // the foreign keys are only on even positions in the Vector.
+  for (i=0;i<v.size();i+=2) {
+    stmp=(String)v.elementAt(i);
+    for (int j=1;j<=origCols.getColumnCount();j++) {
+      if (stmp.compareTo(origCols.getColumnName(j))==0) {
+       tuple=new byte[14][0];
+       for (int k=0;k<14;k++)
+         tuple[k]=null;
+       //PKTABLE_NAME
+       tuple[2]=primTable.getBytes();
+       stmp=(String)v.elementAt(i+1);
+       tuple[3]=stmp.getBytes();
+       //FKTABLE_NAME
+       tuple[6]=origTable.getBytes();
+       tuple[7]=origCols.getColumnName(j).getBytes();
+       //KEY_SEQ
+       tuple[8]=Integer.toString(j).getBytes();
+       tuples.add(tuple);
+       System.out.println(origCols.getColumnName(j)+
+       ": "+j+" -> "+primTable+": "+
+       (String)v.elementAt(i+1));
+       break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return tuples;
+  }
    * Get a description of the primary key columns that are
    * referenced by a table's foreign key columns (the primary keys
@@ -2238,8 +2313,39 @@
   public java.sql.ResultSet getImportedKeys(String catalog, String
schema, String table) throws SQLException
-    // XXX-Not Implemented
-    return null;
+    // Added by Ola Sundell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+    // FIXME: error checking galore!
+    java.sql.ResultSet rsret;
+    Field f[]=new Field[14];
+    byte tuple[][];
+    f[0]=new Field(connection, "PKTABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[1]=new Field(connection, "PKTABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[2]=new Field(connection, "PKTABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[3]=new Field(connection, "PKCOLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[4]=new Field(connection, "FKTABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[5]=new Field(connection, "FKTABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[6]=new Field(connection, "FKTABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[7]=new Field(connection, "FKCOLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[8]=new Field(connection, "KEY_SEQ", iInt2Oid, 2);
+    f[9]=new Field(connection, "UPDATE_RULE", iInt2Oid, 2);
+    f[10]=new Field(connection, "DELETE_RULE", iInt2Oid, 2);
+    f[11]=new Field(connection, "FK_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[12]=new Field(connection, "PK_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
+    f[13]=new Field(connection, "DEFERRABILITY", iInt2Oid, 2);
+    java.sql.ResultSet rs=connection.ExecSQL("select t.tgargs "+
+           "from pg_class as c, pg_trigger as t "+
+           "where c.relname like '"+table+"' and
+    Vector tuples=new Vector();
+    while (rs.next()) {
+           tuples.addAll(importLoop(rs));      
+    }
+    rsret=new ResultSet(connection, f, tuples, "OK", 1);
+    return rsret;

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