Having HUGE troubles connecting to a pgDatabase. I have been struggling with this for 
3 days now... 

I Have scoured the docs, and this jdbc list archive without success. I would Love to 
find a mentor who might spend a bit of time getting me past this obstacle. Yes, I am 
new to java. :(

The Details,

1) I have pgSQL running on RedHat7.1 and have connected to it with pgAccess and 
created a few tables and populated them with some data.

2) I have installed pgAdmin on a NT machine on the network and accessed the data on 
the Linux machine described above.

3) I am developing a simple program on the NT machine and I have copied some example 
code from a JavaTutorial and compiled and made it work to access a MSAccess db locally 
on the on the NT machine running JDK1.3

4.) I have read the Docs written by Peter Mount and have modified the code in what 
seem reasoable ways to access the pgDatabase ...all to no avail. 

4a) I have renamed jdb7.0-1.1.jar to postgresql.jar and then copied that .jar file 
into as many places as seems reasonable and not so reasonable(yes I have copies all 
over the place at present), yet still get this error at run time.

H:\JavaLessons\ch18\fig18_24>java TableDisplayPG1
Failed to load JDBC/ODBC driver.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:200)
       and about 10 more lines of errors...


Is there someone with a big heart and brain who would spend some time helping me get 
this working... I suspect once I do I'll be sailing(yeah right). Maybe set up and 
instant message chat or something to work it through... The source code is below.  
Thanks to whom ever has some time.

Gonzo feeling like a bozo!

Source code
// This works
// The URL specifying the Books database to which 
// this program connects using JDBC to connect to a
// Microsoft ODBC database.
   String url = "jdbc:odbc:Books";  
   String username = "anonymous";
   String password = "guest";

// This DOES NOT work!!
// The URL specifying the test database to which 
// this program connects using JDBC to connect to a
// postgres database on the network somewhere.
   String url = "jdbc://";  
   String username = "postgres";
   String password = "";

// This works
// Load the driver to allow connection to the database
   try {
      Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
      connection = DriverManager.getConnection( 
      url, username, password );
   catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfex ) {
         "Failed to load JDBC/ODBC driver." );
      System.exit( 1 );  // terminate program
// This DOES NOT work!
// Load the driver to allow connection to the database
   try {
      connection = DriverManager.getConnection( 
      url, username, password );

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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