
Attached is my attempt to clean up the horrors of the ExecSQL() method in
the JDBC driver.

I've done this by extracting it into a new method object called
QueryExecutor (should go into org/postgresql/core/) and then taking it
apart into different methods in that class.

A short summary:

* Extracted ExecSQL() from Connection into a method object called

* Moved ReceiveFields() from Connection to QueryExecutor.

* Extracted parts of the original ExecSQL() method body into smaller
  methods on QueryExecutor.

* Bug fix: The instance variable "pid" in Connection was used in two
  places with different meaning. Both were probably in dead code, but it's
  fixed anyway.


PS.: If anyone has any idea what the variable names "fqp" and "hfr" stand
for, please tell me! :)

A n d e r s  B e n g t s s o n                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stockholm, Sweden
Index: src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/Connection.java
RCS file: 

retrieving revision 1.26
diff -c -r1.26 Connection.java
*** src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/Connection.java  2001/08/24 16:50:12     1.26
--- src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/Connection.java  2001/08/26 18:33:48
*** 8,14 ****
  import org.postgresql.fastpath.*;
  import org.postgresql.largeobject.*;
  import org.postgresql.util.*;
! import org.postgresql.core.Encoding;
   * $Id: Connection.java,v 1.26 2001/08/24 16:50:12 momjian Exp $
--- 8,14 ----
  import org.postgresql.fastpath.*;
  import org.postgresql.largeobject.*;
  import org.postgresql.util.*;
! import org.postgresql.core.*;
   * $Id: Connection.java,v 1.26 2001/08/24 16:50:12 momjian Exp $
*** 348,513 ****
       * @return a ResultSet holding the results
       * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs
!     public java.sql.ResultSet ExecSQL(String sql,java.sql.Statement stat) throws 
!       // added Jan 30 2001 to correct maxrows per statement
!       int maxrows=0;
!       if(stat!=null)
!         maxrows=stat.getMaxRows();
!       // added Oct 7 1998 to give us thread safety.
!       synchronized(pg_stream) {
!           // Deallocate all resources in the stream associated
!           // with a previous request.
!           // This will let the driver reuse byte arrays that has already
!           // been allocated instead of allocating new ones in order
!           // to gain performance improvements.
!           // PM 17/01/01: Commented out due to race bug. See comments in
!             // PG_Stream
!             //pg_stream.deallocate();
!           Field[] fields = null;
!           Vector tuples = new Vector();
!           byte[] buf = null;
!           int fqp = 0;
!           boolean hfr = false;
!           String recv_status = null, msg;
!           int update_count = 1;
!           int insert_oid = 0;
!           SQLException final_error = null;
!           buf = encoding.encode(sql);
!           try
!               {
!                   pg_stream.SendChar('Q');
!                   pg_stream.Send(buf);
!                   pg_stream.SendChar(0);
!                   pg_stream.flush();
!               } catch (IOException e) {
!                   throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.ioerror",e);
!               }
!           while (!hfr || fqp > 0)
!               {
!                   Object tup=null;    // holds rows as they are recieved
!                   int c = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
!                   switch (c)
!                       {
!                       case 'A':       // Asynchronous Notify
!                           pid = pg_stream.ReceiveInteger(4);
!                             msg = pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding);
!                           break;
!                       case 'B':       // Binary Data Transfer
!                           if (fields == null)
!                               throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.tuple");
!                           tup = pg_stream.ReceiveTuple(fields.length, true);
!                           // This implements Statement.setMaxRows()
!                           if(maxrows==0 || tuples.size()<maxrows)
!                               tuples.addElement(tup);
!                           break;
!                       case 'C':       // Command Status
!                             recv_status = pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding);
!                               // Now handle the update count correctly.
!                               if(recv_status.startsWith("INSERT") || 
recv_status.startsWith("UPDATE") || recv_status.startsWith("DELETE") || 
recv_status.startsWith("MOVE")) {
!                                       try {
!                                               update_count = 
Integer.parseInt(recv_status.substring(1+recv_status.lastIndexOf(' ')));
!                                       } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
!                                               throw new 
!                                       }
!                                       if(recv_status.startsWith("INSERT")) {
!                                           try {
!                                               insert_oid = 
'),recv_status.lastIndexOf(' ')));
!                                           } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
!                                               throw new 
!                                           }
!                                       }
!                               }
!                           if (fields != null)
!                               hfr = true;
!                           else
!                               {
!                                   try
!                                       {
!                                           pg_stream.SendChar('Q');
!                                           pg_stream.SendChar(' ');
!                                           pg_stream.SendChar(0);
!                                           pg_stream.flush();
!                                       } catch (IOException e) {
!                                           throw new 
!                                       }
!                                   fqp++;
!                               }
!                           break;
!                       case 'D':       // Text Data Transfer
!                           if (fields == null)
!                               throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.tuple");
!                           tup = pg_stream.ReceiveTuple(fields.length, false);
!                           // This implements Statement.setMaxRows()
!                           if(maxrows==0 || tuples.size()<maxrows)
!                               tuples.addElement(tup);
!                           break;
!                       case 'E':       // Error Message
!                             msg = pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding);
!                           final_error = new SQLException(msg);
!                           hfr = true;
!                           break;
!                       case 'I':       // Empty Query
!                           int t = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
!                           if (t != 0)
!                               throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.garbled");
!                           if (fqp > 0)
!                               fqp--;
!                           if (fqp == 0)
!                               hfr = true;
!                           break;
!                       case 'N':       // Error Notification
!                             addWarning(pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));
!                           break;
!                       case 'P':       // Portal Name
!                             String pname = pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding);
!                           break;
!                       case 'T':       // MetaData Field Description
!                           if (fields != null)
!                               throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.multres");
!                           fields = ReceiveFields();
!                           break;
!                       case 'Z':       // backend ready for query, ignore for now :-)
!                           break;
!                       default:
!                           throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.type",new 
!                       }
!               }
!           if (final_error != null)
!               throw final_error;
!           return getResultSet(this, stat, fields, tuples, recv_status, update_count, 
!       }
!     }
!     /**
!      * Receive the field descriptions from the back end
!      *
!      * @return an array of the Field object describing the fields
!      * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs
!      */
!     private Field[] ReceiveFields() throws SQLException
!     {
!       int nf = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(2), i;
!       Field[] fields = new Field[nf];
!       for (i = 0 ; i < nf ; ++i)
!           {
!                 String typname = pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding);
!               int typid = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);
!               int typlen = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(2);
!               int typmod = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);
!               fields[i] = new Field(this, typname, typid, typlen, typmod);
!           }
!       return fields;
--- 348,356 ----
       * @return a ResultSet holding the results
       * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs
!     public java.sql.ResultSet ExecSQL(String sql, java.sql.Statement stat) throws 
!       return new QueryExecutor(sql, stat, pg_stream, this).execute();
*** 793,799 ****
       * This returns a resultset. It must be overridden, so that the correct
       * version (from jdbc1 or jdbc2) are returned.
!     protected abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection 
conn,java.sql.Statement stat, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int 
updateCount,int insertOID) throws SQLException;
       * In some cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Connection's
--- 636,642 ----
       * This returns a resultset. It must be overridden, so that the correct
       * version (from jdbc1 or jdbc2) are returned.
!     public abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection 
conn,java.sql.Statement stat, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int 
updateCount,int insertOID) throws SQLException;
       * In some cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Connection's
Index: src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/Connection.java
RCS file: 

retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8 Connection.java
*** src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/Connection.java    2001/08/24 16:50:15    
--- src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/Connection.java    2001/08/26 18:33:48
*** 131,137 ****
       * This overides the method in org.postgresql.Connection and returns a
       * ResultSet.
!     protected java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection 
conn,java.sql.Statement stat, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int 
updateCount,int insertOID) throws SQLException
        // in jdbc1 stat is ignored.
        return new 

--- 131,137 ----
       * This overides the method in org.postgresql.Connection and returns a
       * ResultSet.
!     public java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection 
conn,java.sql.Statement stat, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int 
updateCount,int insertOID) throws SQLException
        // in jdbc1 stat is ignored.
        return new 

Index: src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/Connection.java
RCS file: 

retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -r1.10 Connection.java
*** src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/Connection.java    2001/08/24 16:50:16    
--- src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/Connection.java    2001/08/26 18:33:49
*** 204,210 ****
       * This overides the method in org.postgresql.Connection and returns a
       * ResultSet.
!     protected java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection conn, 
java.sql.Statement stat,Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount, 
int insertOID) throws SQLException
        // In 7.1 we now test concurrency to see which class to return. If we are not 
working with a
        // Statement then default to a normal ResultSet object.
--- 204,210 ----
       * This overides the method in org.postgresql.Connection and returns a
       * ResultSet.
!     public java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection conn, 
java.sql.Statement stat,Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount, 
int insertOID) throws SQLException
        // In 7.1 we now test concurrency to see which class to return. If we are not 
working with a
        // Statement then default to a normal ResultSet object.

package org.postgresql.core;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.*;
import org.postgresql.*;
import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException;

 * Executes a query on the backend.
 * <p>The lifetime of a QueryExecutor object is from sending the query
 * until the response has been received from the backend.
 * $Id$

public class QueryExecutor {

    private final String sql;
    private final java.sql.Statement statement;
    private final PG_Stream pg_stream;
    private final org.postgresql.Connection connection;

    public QueryExecutor(String sql,
                         java.sql.Statement statement,
                         PG_Stream pg_stream,
                         org.postgresql.Connection connection)
        throws SQLException
        this.sql = sql;
        this.statement = statement;
        this.pg_stream = pg_stream;
        this.connection = connection;

        if (statement != null)
            maxRows = statement.getMaxRows();
            maxRows = 0;

    private Field[] fields = null;
    private Vector tuples = new Vector();
    private String status = null;
    private int update_count = 1;
    private int insert_oid = 0;
    private int maxRows;

     * Execute a query on the backend.
    public java.sql.ResultSet execute() throws SQLException {

        int fqp = 0;
        boolean hfr = false;

        synchronized(pg_stream) {


            while (!hfr || fqp > 0) {
                int c = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();

                switch (c)
                    case 'A':   // Asynchronous Notify
                        int pid = pg_stream.ReceiveInteger(4);
                        String msg = 
                    case 'B':   // Binary Data Transfer
                    case 'C':   // Command Status

                        if (fields != null)
                            hfr = true;
                        else {
                            sendQuery(" ");
                    case 'D':   // Text Data Transfer
                    case 'E':   // Error Message
                        throw new 
                    case 'I':   // Empty Query
                        int t = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
                        if (t != 0)
                            throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.garbled");

                        if (fqp > 0)
                        if (fqp == 0)
                            hfr = true;
                    case 'N':   // Error Notification
                    case 'P':   // Portal Name
                        String pname = 
                    case 'T':   // MetaData Field Description
                    case 'Z':       // backend ready for query, ignore for now :-)
                        throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.type",
                                                new Character((char) c));

            return connection.getResultSet(connection, statement, fields, tuples, 
status, update_count, insert_oid);

     * Send a query to the backend.
    private void sendQuery(String query) throws SQLException {
        try {

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.ioerror", e);

     * Receive a tuple from the backend.
     * @param isBinary set if the tuple should be treated as binary data
    private void receiveTuple(boolean isBinary) throws SQLException {
        if (fields == null)
            throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.tuple");
        Object tuple = pg_stream.ReceiveTuple(fields.length, isBinary);
        if (maxRows == 0 || tuples.size() < maxRows)

     * Receive command status from the backend.
    private void receiveCommandStatus() throws SQLException {

        status = pg_stream.ReceiveString(connection.getEncoding());

        try {
            // Now handle the update count correctly.
            if (status.startsWith("INSERT") || status.startsWith("UPDATE") || 
status.startsWith("DELETE") || status.startsWith("MOVE")) {
                update_count = Integer.parseInt(status.substring(1 + 
status.lastIndexOf(' ')));
            if (status.startsWith("INSERT")) {
                insert_oid = Integer.parseInt(status.substring(1 + status.indexOf(' 
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.fathom", status);

     * Receive the field descriptions from the back end.
    private void receiveFields() throws SQLException {
        if (fields != null)
            throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.multres");

        int size = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(2);
        fields = new Field[size];

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            String typeName = pg_stream.ReceiveString(connection.getEncoding());
            int typeOid = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);
            int typeLength = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(2);
            int typeModifier = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);
            fields[i] = new Field(connection, typeName, typeOid, typeLength, 

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