If you mean the 7.2 beta jdbc driver then I am using
it and I still get the same error.
Do I need to clear the database?
The version of postgres seems old 6.5.2 is the
reported version. Any idea how to update it. I am
running it on Suse 7.1 And I am not all that hot in
Linux. "Yes I know it is off subject" I condsider it a
tribute to PostgreSQL and Suse that I have gotten as
far as I have.

--- Barry Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, this is a known bug.  It should be fixed in
> current sources.  Try 
> using the 7.2 driver from the jdbc.postgresql.org
> website and see if 
> that works correctly for you.  If you search the
> email archives you can 
> find a discussion on this bug.
> thanks,
> --Barry
> David Siebert wrote:
> > It looks as if I blew it when I cut and pasted it.
> > Lets try again.
> > This is the error message.
> > 
> > Phone Call PhoneCall(Rs) en:0 Bad Timestamp Format
> at
> > 19 in 2001-10-01 15:20:06.66-05
> > 
> > and this is the method that generates it.
> > 
> > 
> > public PhoneCall(ResultSet rs) {
> >     int errori=0;    
> >     try {
> >            m_sCaller=rs.getString("scaller");
> >            m_sPhone=rs.getString("sphone");
> >            m_sPhone2=rs.getString("sphone2");
> >            m_sQuedBy=rs.getString("squedby");
> >            m_iPri=rs.getInt("ipri");
> >            m_iStatus=rs.getInt("istatus");
> >            m_sFor=rs.getString("sfor");
> >            m_sNotes= rs.getString("snotes");
> >            m_objPlacedDate =
> > rs.getTimestamp("dplaceddate");
> >            errori++;
> >            m_objTakenDate =
> > rs.getTimestamp("dtakendate");
> >            errori++;
> >            m_objResDate = 
> > rs.getTimestamp("dresdate");
> >            errori++;
> >            m_iResolution =
> rs.getInt("iresolution");
> >            m_iReQues = rs.getInt("ireques");
> >         } catch (Exception ex){
> >             System.err.println("Phone Call
> > PhoneCall(Rs) en:"+errori+" "+ex.toString());
> >         }
> >     }
> > 
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any
> phone.
> > http://phone.yahoo.com
> > 
> > 
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/users-lounge/docs/faq.html

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