Manfred Spraul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> But how should libpq notice that the caller handles sigpipe signals?
> a) autodetection - if the sigpipe handler is not the default, then the 
> caller knows what he's doing.
> b) a new PGsetsignalhandler() function.
> c) an additional flag passed to PGconnectdb.

> Tom preferred a). One problem is that the autodetection is not perfect: 
> an app could block the signal with sigprocmask, or it could install a 
> handler that doesn't expect sigpipe signals from within libpq.
> I would prefer b), because it guarantees that the patch has no effect on 
> existing apps.

I have no particular objection to (b) either, but IIRC there was some
dispute about whether it sets a global or per-connection flag.  ISTM
that "I have a correct signal handler" is a global assertion (within one
process) and so a global flag is appropriate.  Someone else (Bruce?)
didn't like that though.

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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