Tom Lane wrote:
Andreas Pflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Attached the patch, an orgy in #ifdefs, decorated with various indents and crlf line ends (glad we have pgindent).

I spent a fair amount of time fooling with this, trying to extract
something that I trusted enough to apply at this late date, but got
stuck on one point.  Exiting when the postmaster dies is *not* good
enough; we want the logger to stick around until the last process
upstream of the logger pipe is gone.  In the Unix case we can detect
this by watching for EOF on the pipe,

I saw strange errnos coming from that pipe, i.e. EMFILE. I'm not sure if EOF is really reliable.

but I don't know how to do the equivalent in this threaded scheme you've devised for Windows.

if (realStdErr !0 NULL)
#ifdef WIN32

You probably found out yourself.

In pipeThread:

if (!ReadFile(...))
   DWORD error = GetLastError();
   if (error == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)

/* errno is not set */
        errmsg("could not read from system logger pipe: %d", error)))}

(Why is the separate thread needed, again?)

On unnamed pipes, WaitForSingleObject does not work (it always reports "signaled", so the blocking ReadFile won't allow for sighup/IsPostmasterRunning; select is for sockets only).


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