On Tuesday September 28 2004 7:59, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Your issue brings up that the boolean API doesn't really work well, and
> > in fact highlights the fact that printing the duration as an
> > independent capability really made no sense at all.  Perhaps your
> > approach is the proper solution --- to link them together.
> I thought we had fixed things so that log_duration would print the
> statement if it hadn't already been logged for other reasons.  Did
> that fix get broken again?

I guess so.  If you set log_min_statement_duration = 0, you get 

        "duration: %ld.%03ld ms  statement: %s"

regardless of your log_duration or log_statement settings.  But log_duration 
does not heed log_statement, thus no way to quiet durations in sync with 
log_statement setting.  In beta3, the logic is...

if ( log_duration = true ||
        (log_min_statement_duration = 0 || 
        (log_min_statement_duration > 0 && 
         duration > log_min_statement_duration)))

Going back to the issue of usefulness of queryless durations, I guess I can 
imagine that if someone wanted to measure average duration similar to a 
speedometer, they might want to log only durations, not queries, just to 
know how hot the DB is running.  I have a 7.3 perl script to do just that.  
Maybe a better patch would be to make log_duration have the same options as 
log_statement (none, mod, ddl, all)?  That would preserve the previous 
functionality and enable the more common usage as well.  I would leave 
log_min_statement_duration alone since I can see where it would be useful 
to be able to visually distinguish between durations printed because they 
exceeded log_min_statement_duration.  For example, logging all 
data-changing queries (mod) and also any overly slow SELECTs.


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