This one-line patches merges a micro-opt from upstream (OpenBSD) sources: we can make a read-only local array "static" and reduce the size of the generated object file slightly.

Barring any objections, I intend to apply this patch today or tomorrow.

Index: contrib/pgcrypto/blf.c
RCS file: /Users/neilc/local/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/pgcrypto/blf.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 blf.c
*** contrib/pgcrypto/blf.c      29 Jan 2002 15:40:45 -0000      1.5
--- contrib/pgcrypto/blf.c      3 Oct 2004 16:07:31 -0000
*** 126,132 ****
  /* P-box and S-box tables initialized with digits of Pi */
!       const blf_ctx initstate =
--- 126,132 ----
  /* P-box and S-box tables initialized with digits of Pi */
!       static const blf_ctx initstate =
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