Jaime Casanova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Why it not work on Latin9,

>> Probably because it hasn't got a table for Latin9.
>> Feel free to contribute one --- see 
>> src/backend/utils/adt/ascii.c.

> This page shows the differences between Latin1 &
> Latin9:
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/latin9.html

> The diffs are:

> 164: the euro symbol.           (sql_ascii = 'E')???
> 166: an S with a symbol above   (sql_ascii = 'S')
> 168: the same but lower case    (sql_ascii = 's')
> 180: an Z with a symbol above   (sql_ascii = 'Z')
> 184: the same but lower case    (sql_ascii = 'z')
> 188: it's an O merge with an E  (sql_ascii =  '')???
> 189: the same but lower case    (sql_ascii =  '')???
> 190: an Y with a 2 points above (sql_ascii = 'Y')

> Comments? 

Works for me.  Anyone feel this is too big a change to push into 8.0?
Strictly speaking it's a new feature, but it sure looks harmless from

Personally I'd say that the euro symbol should map to ' ' not 'E',
but am not set on that.

                        regards, tom lane

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