Hi Tom,

Here are the results (tps) from your second patch (LH column is including
connection establishments, RH column is excluding connection establishments)
using the same test, i.e. pgbench -s 10 -c 10 -t 1000 -d pgbench
1000                                    10000

204.909702      205.01051               345.098727      345.411606
375.812059      376.37741
195.100496      195.197463              348.791481      349.111363
314.718619      315.139878
199.637965      199.735195              313.561366      313.803225
365.061177      365.666103
195.935529      196.029082              325.893744      326.171754
370.040623      370.625072
196.661374      196.756481              314.468751      314.711517
319.643145      320.099164

198.4490132     198.5457462             329.5628138     329.841893
349.0551246     349.5815254

Having a percentage of the shared_buffers scanned in each round means that
no extra tweaking is required for higher values of shared_buffers with the
default settings :)

> Another thing that might be interesting on a multi-CPU 
> Opteron is to try to make the shared memory layout more 
> friendly to the CPU cache, which I believe uses 128-byte 
> cache lines.  (Simon was planning to try some of these things 
> but I haven't heard back about results.)  Things to try here include
> 1. Change ALIGNOF_BUFFER in src/include/pg_config_manual.h to 
> 128. This will require a full recompile I think.  2 and 3 
> don't make any sense until after you do this.


> 2. Pad the BufferDesc struct (in src/include/storage/buf_internals.h)
> out to be exactly 64 or 128 bytes.  (64 would make it exactly 
> 2 buffer headers per cache line, so two CPUs would contend 
> only when working on a pair of adjacent headers.  128 would 
> mean no cross-header cache contention but of course it wastes 
> a lot more storage.)  You need only recompile the files in 
> src/backend/storage/buffer/ after changing buf_internals.h.

Here are the results with the padded BufferDesc structure. First here is the
padding to 64 bytes:

1000                                    10000

206.862511      206.965854              302.316799      302.581089
317.357151      317.791769
198.881107      198.974454              352.982754      353.319523
368.020383      368.625353
200.66022       200.756237              319.80475       320.076327
369.440584      370.032709
202.076089      202.17038               304.278037      304.520488
309.897702      310.332232
204.511959      204.612334              314.043021      314.29964
318.424781      318.871094

202.5983772     202.6958518             318.6850722     318.9594134
336.6281202     337.1306314

And here are the results padding BufferDesc to 128 bytes:

1000                                    10000

204.071342      204.177755              368.942576      369.298066
373.385305      374.040511
203.616738      203.717336              365.15145       365.508939
366.837804      367.487877
206.353662      206.451992              303.231566      303.491979
312.613215      313.086744
194.403251      194.497714              311.006837      311.250281
309.072588      309.536229
192.950395      193.040478              334.19558       334.476809
316.284982      316.776723

200.2790776     200.377055              336.5056018     336.8052148
335.6387788     336.1856168

As I see it, there is not much noticeable performance gain (and maybe even a
small loss)with the padding included. I suspect that since the drives are
software RAID 1, better drives would be needed to try and benchmark this

> 3. Pad the LWLock struct (in 
> src/backend/storage/lmgr/lwlock.c) to some power of 2 up to 
> 128 bytes --- same issue of space wasted versus cross-lock contention.

Having seen the results above, is it still worth looking at this?

Kind regards,


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