I wrote:
> I'll see about installing an initdb-time kluge to make it use OUT
> parameters.


regression=# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_file('postgresql.conf');
 length |         atime          |         mtime          |         ctime       
   | isdir
  12578 | 2005-08-13 14:51:03-04 | 2005-08-13 14:50:32-04 | 2005-08-13 
14:50:32-04 | f
(1 row)

I removed the separate pg_file_length() function, as it doesn't have any
significant notational advantage anymore; you can do

regression=# select (pg_stat_file('postgresql.conf')).length;
(1 row)

BTW, \df is no real help when it comes to stuff with OUT parameters;
it still says

regression=# \df pg_stat_file
                         List of functions
   Schema   |     Name     | Result data type | Argument data types
 pg_catalog | pg_stat_file | record           | text
(1 row)

Possibly we should try to improve that.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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