Darcy Buskermolen wrote:

+ CSV mode will include all characters between <literal>QUOTE</> and + <literal>DELIMITER</> in the value for the field, this is of special
+       attention to those who use CSV mode to import data from other RDBMS
+       systems that create fixed width CSV files.

First, this need some grammar cleanup. But more importantly, it's not quite a correct formulation. CSV mode splits a line on (unquoted) delimiters. Within each chunk dequoting is done, and withing quoted sections de-escaping is done. But nothing is discarded.

i.e. with the quote char as '"', 'foo"bar"baz' becomes 'foobarbaz' and ' "x" ' becomes ' x '.

I understand Dary's problem has been that Oracle pads CSV lines with spaces. Perhaps we need to warn specifically about that - I suspect most people for whom it might be important will miss the significance otherwise.

I'll work on some better wording.



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