On Tue, 2005-20-09 at 11:33 -0700, David Fetter wrote:
> I am hoping to make a case for inclusion in 8.1.  The code is
> completely isolated in one command and does not affect anyone who
> does not use the new features.

On those grounds we could include a lot of new features during the 8.1
beta period. IMHO it is too late for new features at this point in the
release cycle.

> > AFAICS the goto is unnecessary -- just break out of the loop when you
> > find a match, and test i == ntups outside the loop.
> I tried that.  How do I break out of both loops without a goto?

Oh, yeah, I guess you need a goto, but you can at least avoid rechecking
the loop condition:

for (;;)
    for (;;)
        if (match_found)
            goto done;

/* If we got here, no match */

done: /* Otherwise we're good */


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