I have adjusted your patch to log "FETCH" for protocol-level executes
that are really fetches.  What I did not do was to handle unnamed
portals differently, and I did not include a fetch count in the log
message.  Let's see if we need that later.

This leaves output of bind parameter values as the only open TODO in
this area.

Patch attached and applied.


Simon Riggs wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 13:14 +1200, Oliver Jowett wrote:
> > Simon Riggs wrote:
> > > Oliver, would it be possible to show a simplified call sequence and what
> > > you would like to see logged for each call? 
> These are good: Maybe it should even be in the docs for the driver?
> It would be good if it could be written as a test within the driver, so
> we can expand it and test the logging.
> > The JDBC driver generates one of these sequences:
> > 
> > (1)
> >   Parse (unnamed statement) "SELECT 1"
> >   Bind (unnamed statement -> unnamed portal)
> >   Execute (unnamed portal, no row limit)
> > 
> > (2)
> >   Parse (named statement S_1) "SELECT 1"
> >   repeatedly:
> >     Bind (named statement S_1 -> unnamed portal)
> >     Execute (unnamed portal, no row limit)
> > 
> > (3)
> >   Parse (named statement S_2) "SELECT 1"
> >   repeatedly:
> >     Bind (named statement S_2 -> named portal C_2)
> >     repeatedly:
> >       Execute (named portal C_2, row limit 42)
> Are we sure there is just 3 cases?
> > Ideal output is:
> > 
> > (1)  LOG: statement: SELECT 1
> > 
> > (2)  LOG: statement: SELECT 1
> >      LOG: statement: SELECT 1
> >      LOG: statement: SELECT 1
> > 
> > (3)  LOG: statement: SELECT 1
> >      LOG: statement: SELECT 1
> >      LOG: statement: SELECT 1
> > 
> > In case (3), that's one log line per repeat of the outer loop,
> > regardless of how many Executes are sent in the inner loop.
> > Note that case (1) is the most common case for application queries via
> > the JDBC driver, and case (2) is the most common for internally
> > generated statements like BEGIN.
> Even if case (3) is not that common, I still want to know it is
> occurring, to see what effect or overhead it has.
> > As you can see from the output I'd like, I don't think that synthesizing
> > FETCH / EXECUTE queries that don't actually exist [is a]
> > useful thing to do, at least at the Joe Average User
> > level.
> Your original point at the top of this thread was valid: a get-next-rows
> shouldn't look like a re-execute. We can call it something else if you
> like, as long as we can tell the difference.
> We'll only see the output for case (3) when someone has programmed
> things that way by using setFetchSize.
> > Also note that the JDBC driver doesn't exercise all of the extended
> > protocol -- for example it's possible to re-Bind the same unnamed
> > statement repeatedly, or have multiple Executes on an unnamed portal
> > with a row limit, but the JDBC driver never does that.
> I agree there's not much gained from displaying the BIND statement as it
> is. I argued previously against including the BIND parameters. Now I
> would say we should either include them or leave out BIND altogether.
> Here's a new suggestion and patch that brings together
> - Oliver and Simon's wish to remove BIND from normal logging
> - Oliver's suggestion to remove the PREPARE logging for unnamed
> statements, which would otherwise double-up logging for case(1)
> - Bruce and Simon's view to keep some form of FETCH logging
> - Tom's view to rationalise the way ROWS is mentioned
> (lines beginning jdbc don't show in the log, but are just there to show
> clearly the time sequence of activities and what gets subsequently
> logged)
> (1)
> >   Parse (unnamed statement) "SELECT * from pg_proc"
> >   Bind (unnamed statement -> unnamed portal)
> >   Execute (unnamed portal, no row limit)
> (1)
> jdbc parse
> jdbc bind
> jdbc execute
> LOG:  statement: SELECT * from pg_proc
> jdbc parse
> jdbc bind
> jdbc execute
> LOG:  statement: SELECT * from pg_proc
> jdbc parse
> jdbc bind
> jdbc execute
> LOG:  statement: SELECT * from pg_proc
> Notice that the parse of the unnamed statement does *not* now generate a
> log record.
> (2)
> >   Parse (named statement S_1) "SELECT * from pg_proc"
> >   repeatedly:
> >     Bind (named statement S_1 -> unnamed portal)
> >     Execute (unnamed portal, no row limit)
> (2)
> jdbc parse S_1
> LOG:  statement: PREPARE S_1 AS SELECT * from pg_proc
> (perhaps this should be logged at BIND time, just like the
> optimization?)
> jdbc bind S_1
> jdbc execute
> LOG:  statement: EXECUTE <unnamed> [PREPARE:  SELECT * from pg_proc]
> jdbc bind S_1
> jdbc execute
> LOG:  statement: EXECUTE <unnamed> [PREPARE:  SELECT * from pg_proc]
> jdbc bind S_1
> jdbc execute
> LOG:  statement: EXECUTE <unnamed> [PREPARE:  SELECT * from pg_proc]
> ...I wonder if <unnamed> just confuses what is going on here? I've left
> it in for now, but suggest that we take that out again?
> (3)
> >   Parse (named statement S_2) "SELECT * from pg_proc"
> >   repeatedly:
> >     Bind (named statement S_2 -> named portal C_2)
> >     repeatedly:
> >       Execute (named portal C_2, row limit 42)
> (3)
> jdbc prepare S_2
> LOG:  statement: PREPARE S_2 AS SELECT * from pg_proc
> jdbc bind S_2 to C_2
> jdbc execute C_2
> LOG:  statement: EXECUTE C_2 ROWS 42 [PREPARE:  SELECT * from pg_proc]
> jdbc next (after cache has run out on 42nd row)
> v3 protocol sends E for Execute, execution halts at 49 rows for this set
> of bind parameters
> LOG:  statement: FETCH C_2 ROWS 7
> jdbc bind S_2 to C_2
> jdbc execute C_2
> LOG:  statement: EXECUTE C_2 ROWS 42 [PREPARE:  SELECT * from pg_proc]
> jdbc next (after cache has run out on 42nd row)
> v3 protocol sends E for Execute
> LOG:  statement: FETCH C_2 ROWS 42
> jdbc next (after cache has run out on 84th row)
> v3 protocol sends E for Execute, execution halts at 95 rows for this set
> of bind parameters
> LOG:  statement: FETCH C_2 ROWS 11
> Note: log_min_duration_statement logs after execution so can give
> accurate row counts of what was retrieved for first execute and
> subsequent fetches. In that case we log using the word ROWS.
> log_statement=all logs before execution and so only knows what the
> maximum number of rows requested is, not what the actual number of rows
> retrieved will be. In that case we log using the word MAXROWS.
> ROWS and MAXROWS are *not* mentioned unless we specifically set max_rows
> in the execute request using the v3 protocol.
> If we agree, I'd suggest this goes into the docs...
> I've not written a comprehensive test program that covers all of the
> different settings of v2/v3, named/unnamed, allrows/restricted rows,
> log_statement=all/log_min_duration_statement. I'm not sure that will fit
> within the existing test framework. So this patch is still prototype.
> Comments?
> Best Regards, Simon Riggs

[ Attachment, skipping... ]

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: src/backend/tcop/postgres.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c,v
retrieving revision 1.462
diff -c -c -r1.462 postgres.c
*** src/backend/tcop/postgres.c 24 Sep 2005 17:53:15 -0000      1.462
--- src/backend/tcop/postgres.c 26 Sep 2005 15:25:09 -0000
*** 1466,1471 ****
--- 1466,1472 ----
                portal = CreatePortal(portal_name, false, false);
+       /* We need to output the parameter values someday */
        if (log_statement == LOGSTMT_ALL)
                                (errmsg("statement: <BIND> %s", portal_name)));
*** 1681,1686 ****
--- 1682,1688 ----
        bool            save_log_duration = log_duration;
        int                     save_log_min_duration_statement = 
        bool            save_log_statement_stats = log_statement_stats;
+       bool            execute_is_fetch = false;
        /* Adjust destination to tell printtup.c what to do */
        dest = whereToSendOutput;
*** 1694,1699 ****
--- 1696,1710 ----
                                 errmsg("portal \"%s\" does not exist", 
+        * If we re-issue an Execute protocol request against an existing
+        * portal, then we are only fetching more rows rather than 
+        * completely re-executing the query from the start. atStart is never
+        * reset for a v3 portal, so we are safe to use this check.
+        */
+       if (!portal->atStart)
+               execute_is_fetch = true;
+       /*
         * If the original query was a null string, just return
         * EmptyQueryResponse.
*** 1704,1710 ****
!       if (portal->sourceText)
                debug_query_string = portal->sourceText;
--- 1715,1727 ----
!       /* Should we display the portal names here? */
!       if (execute_is_fetch)
!       {
!               debug_query_string = "fetch message";
!               pgstat_report_activity("<FETCH>");
!       }
!       else if (portal->sourceText)
                debug_query_string = portal->sourceText;
*** 1732,1738 ****
        if (log_statement == LOGSTMT_ALL)
                /* We have the portal, so output the source query. */
!                               (errmsg("statement: EXECUTE %s  [PREPARE:  %s]",
                                                (*portal_name != '\0') ? 
portal_name : "<unnamed>",
                                                portal->sourceText ? 
portal->sourceText : "")));
--- 1749,1756 ----
        if (log_statement == LOGSTMT_ALL)
                /* We have the portal, so output the source query. */
!                               (errmsg("statement: %sEXECUTE %s  [PREPARE:  
!                                               (execute_is_fetch) ? "FETCH 
from " : "",
                                                (*portal_name != '\0') ? 
portal_name : "<unnamed>",
                                                portal->sourceText ? 
portal->sourceText : "")));
*** 1864,1873 ****
                        (save_log_min_duration_statement > 0 &&
                         usecs >= save_log_min_duration_statement * 1000))
!                                       (errmsg("duration: %ld.%03ld ms  
statement: EXECUTE %s  [PREPARE:  %s]",
                                                (long) ((stop_t.tv_sec - 
start_t.tv_sec) * 1000 +
                                                          (stop_t.tv_usec - 
start_t.tv_usec) / 1000),
                                                (long) (stop_t.tv_usec - 
start_t.tv_usec) % 1000,
                                                        (*portal_name != '\0') 
? portal_name : "<unnamed>",
                                                        portal->sourceText ? 
portal->sourceText : "")));
--- 1882,1892 ----
                        (save_log_min_duration_statement > 0 &&
                         usecs >= save_log_min_duration_statement * 1000))
!                                       (errmsg("duration: %ld.%03ld ms  
statement: %sEXECUTE %s  [PREPARE:  %s]",
                                                (long) ((stop_t.tv_sec - 
start_t.tv_sec) * 1000 +
                                                          (stop_t.tv_usec - 
start_t.tv_usec) / 1000),
                                                (long) (stop_t.tv_usec - 
start_t.tv_usec) % 1000,
+                                                       (execute_is_fetch) ? 
"FETCH from " : "",
                                                        (*portal_name != '\0') 
? portal_name : "<unnamed>",
                                                        portal->sourceText ? 
portal->sourceText : "")));
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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