On Nov 14, 2005, at 23:25 , Andrew Dunstan wrote:

Ther attached patch is for comment. It implements "drop if exists" as has recently been discussed. Illustration:

Nifty! Thanks for working this up, Andrew!

andrew=# drop table blurflx;
ERROR:  table "blurflx" does not exist
andrew=# drop table if exists blurflx;

I'm not sure what other DBMS' return in this situation (and kindly ignore this suggestion if it's specified or otherwise determined), but perhaps the output could be TABLE "blurlx" DOES NOT EXIST (without the ERROR) or something more informative, rather than DROP TABLE. It reminds me of the old behavior of outputting COMMIT even in the case of transaction failure. I find the current behavior of outputting ROLLBACK in the case of transaction failure more useful.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

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