Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I did some research on this because the numbers Tom quotes indicate there
> is something wrong in the way we process stats_command_string
> statistics.
> This sends 10,000 "SELECT 1" queries to the backend, and reports the
> execution time.  I found that without stats_command_string defined, it
> ran in 3.5 seconds.  With stats_command_string defined, it took 5.5
> seconds, meaning the command string is causing a 57% slowdown.  That is
> way too much considering that the SELECT 1 has to be send from psql to
> the backend, parsed, optimized, and executed, and the result returned to
> the psql, while stats_command_string only has to send a string to a
> backend collector.  There is _no_ way that collector should take 57% of
> the time it takes to run the actual query.

I have updated information on this performance issue.  It seems it is
the blocking activity of recv() that is slowing down the buffer process
and hence the backends.  Basically, I found if I use select() or recv()
to block until data arrives, I see the huge performance loss reported
above.  If I loop over the recv() call in non-blocking mode, I see
almost no performance hit from stats_command_string (no backend
slowdown), but of course that consumes all the CPU (bad).  What I found
worked perfectly was to do a non-blocking recv(), and if no data was
returned, change the socket to blocking mode and loop back over the
recv().  This allowed for no performance loss, and prevented infinite
looping over the recv() call.

My theory is that the kernel blocking logic of select() or recv() is
somehow locking up the socket for a small amount of time, therefore
slowing down the backend.  With the on/off blocking, the packets arrive
in groups, we get a few packets then block when nothing is available. 

The test program:

        export TMPFILE
        if [ ! -f $TMPFILE ]
        then    i=0
                while [ $i -lt 10000 ]
                        i=`expr $i + 1`
                        echo "SELECT 1;"
                done > $TMPFILE
        time psql test < $TMPFILE >/dev/null

is basically sending 30k packets of roughly 26 bytes each, or roughly
800k in 3.5 seconds, meaning there is a packet every 0.0001 seconds.  I
wouldn't have thought that was too much volume for a dual Xeon BSD
machine, but it seems it might be.  Tom seeing 44% slowdown from pgbench
means Linux might have an issue too.

Two patches are attached.  The first patch shows the use of the on/off
blocking method to have almost zero overhead for reading from the
socket.  (The packets are discarded.)  The second patch removes the
buffer process entirely and uses the on/off buffering to process the
incoming packets.  I tried running two test scripts simultaneously and
saw almost no packet loss.  Also keep in mind we are writing the stat
file twice a second, which might need to be pushed into a separate

  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c,v
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -c -c -r1.118 pgstat.c
*** src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c     3 Jan 2006 19:54:08 -0000       1.118
--- src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c     4 Jan 2006 23:22:44 -0000
*** 1839,1845 ****
        int                     msg_recv = 0;   /* next receive index */
        int                     msg_have = 0;   /* number of bytes stored */
        bool            overflow = false;
         * Identify myself via ps
--- 1839,1847 ----
        int                     msg_recv = 0;   /* next receive index */
        int                     msg_have = 0;   /* number of bytes stored */
        bool            overflow = false;
!       bool            is_block_mode = false;
!       int                     cnt = 0, bloops = 0, nbloops = 0;
         * Identify myself via ps
*** 1870,1875 ****
--- 1872,1921 ----
        msgbuffer = (char *) palloc(PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ);
+       while (1)
+       {
+ #if 0
+                 FD_ZERO(&rfds);
+                 FD_ZERO(&wfds);
+                 maxfd = -1;
+                         FD_SET(pgStatSock, &rfds);
+                         maxfd = pgStatSock;
+                 timeout.tv_sec = 0;
+                 timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+                 select(maxfd + 1, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, &timeout);
+ #endif
+                         if (is_block_mode)
+                                 bloops++;
+                         else
+                                 nbloops++;
+                         len = recv(pgStatSock, (char *) &input_buffer,
+                                                sizeof(PgStat_Msg), 0);
+                         if (len > 0)
+                                 cnt += len;
+ //fprintf(stderr, "len = %d, errno = %d\n", len, errno);
+                         if (len > 0 && is_block_mode)
+                         {
+                                 pg_set_noblock(pgStatSock);
+                                 is_block_mode = false;
+                         }
+                         else if (len < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && !is_block_mode)
+                         {
+                                 pg_set_block(pgStatSock);
+                                 is_block_mode = true;
+                         }
+ //                      if ((bloops + nbloops)  % 1000 == 0)
+ //                              fprintf(stderr, "cnt = %d, len = %d, bloops = 
%d, nbloops = %d\n", cnt, len, bloops, nbloops);
+       }
+       exit(1);
         * Loop forever
Index: src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c,v
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -c -c -r1.118 pgstat.c
*** src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c     3 Jan 2006 19:54:08 -0000       1.118
--- src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c     4 Jan 2006 23:06:26 -0000
*** 109,117 ****
   * ----------
  NON_EXEC_STATIC int pgStatSock = -1;
- NON_EXEC_STATIC int pgStatPipe[2] = {-1, -1};
  static struct sockaddr_storage pgStatAddr;
- static pid_t pgStatCollectorPid = 0;
  static time_t last_pgstat_start_time;
--- 109,115 ----
*** 166,172 ****
  NON_EXEC_STATIC void PgstatBufferMain(int argc, char *argv[]);
  NON_EXEC_STATIC void PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[]);
  static void force_statwrite(SIGNAL_ARGS);
- static void pgstat_recvbuffer(void);
  static void pgstat_exit(SIGNAL_ARGS);
  static void pgstat_die(SIGNAL_ARGS);
  static void pgstat_beshutdown_hook(int code, Datum arg);
--- 164,169 ----
*** 1491,1536 ****
        pgstat_parseArgs(argc, argv);
-       /*
-        * Start a buffering process to read from the socket, so we have a 
-        * more time to process incoming messages.
-        *
-        * NOTE: the process structure is: postmaster is parent of buffer 
-        * is parent of collector process.      This way, the buffer can detect
-        * collector failure via SIGCHLD, whereas otherwise it wouldn't notice
-        * collector failure until it tried to write on the pipe.  That would 
-        * that after the postmaster started a new collector, we'd have two 
-        * processes competing to read from the UDP socket --- not good.
-        */
-       if (pgpipe(pgStatPipe) < 0)
-               ereport(ERROR,
-                               (errcode_for_socket_access(),
-                                errmsg("could not create pipe for statistics 
buffer: %m")));
        /* child becomes collector process */
!       pgStatCollectorPid = pgstat_forkexec(STAT_PROC_COLLECTOR);
! #else
!       pgStatCollectorPid = fork();
! #endif
!       switch (pgStatCollectorPid)
!       {
!               case -1:
!                       ereport(ERROR,
!                                       (errmsg("could not fork statistics 
collector: %m")));
! #ifndef EXEC_BACKEND
!               case 0:
!                       /* child becomes collector process */
!                       PgstatCollectorMain(0, NULL);
!                       break;
! #endif
!               default:
!                       /* parent becomes buffer process */
!                       closesocket(pgStatPipe[0]);
!                       pgstat_recvbuffer();
!       }
--- 1488,1495 ----
        pgstat_parseArgs(argc, argv);
        /* child becomes collector process */
!       PgstatCollectorMain(0, NULL);
*** 1548,1559 ****
  PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[])
        PgStat_Msg      msg;
-       fd_set          rfds;
-       int                     readPipe;
-       int                     len = 0;
-       struct itimerval timeval;
        HASHCTL         hash_ctl;
        bool            need_timer = false;
        MyProcPid = getpid();           /* reset MyProcPid */
--- 1507,1517 ----
  PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[])
        PgStat_Msg      msg;
        HASHCTL         hash_ctl;
        bool            need_timer = false;
+       struct itimerval timeval;
+       bool            is_block_mode = false;
+       int                     loops = 0;
        MyProcPid = getpid();           /* reset MyProcPid */
*** 1587,1596 ****
        pgstat_parseArgs(argc, argv);
-       /* Close unwanted files */
-       closesocket(pgStatPipe[1]);
-       closesocket(pgStatSock);
         * Identify myself via ps
--- 1545,1550 ----
*** 1626,1791 ****
        pgStatBeTable = (PgStat_StatBeEntry *)
                palloc0(sizeof(PgStat_StatBeEntry) * MaxBackends);
-       readPipe = pgStatPipe[0];
         * Process incoming messages and handle all the reporting stuff until
         * there are no more messages.
        for (;;)
                if (need_statwrite)
!                       pgstat_write_statsfile();
                        need_statwrite = false;
                        need_timer = true;
!               /*
!                * Setup the descriptor set for select(2)
!                */
!               FD_ZERO(&rfds);
!               FD_SET(readPipe, &rfds);
!               /*
!                * Now wait for something to do.
!                */
!               if (select(readPipe + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0)
!                       if (errno == EINTR)
!                               continue;
!                       ereport(ERROR,
!                                       (errcode_for_socket_access(),
!                                        errmsg("select() failed in statistics 
collector: %m")));
!               /*
!                * Check if there is a new statistics message to collect.
!                */
!               if (FD_ISSET(readPipe, &rfds))
!               {
!                       /*
!                        * We may need to issue multiple read calls in case the 
!                        * process didn't write the message in a single write, 
which is
!                        * possible since it dumps its buffer bytewise. In any 
case, we'd
!                        * need two reads since we don't know the message length
!                        * initially.
!                        */
!                       int                     nread = 0;
!                       int                     targetlen = 
sizeof(PgStat_MsgHdr);              /* initial */
!                       bool            pipeEOF = false;
!                       while (nread < targetlen)
!                               len = piperead(readPipe, ((char *) &msg) + 
!                                                          targetlen - nread);
!                               if (len < 0)
!                               {
!                                       if (errno == EINTR)
!                                               continue;
!                                       ereport(ERROR,
!                                                        errmsg("could not read 
from statistics collector pipe: %m")));
!                               }
!                               if (len == 0)   /* EOF on the pipe! */
!                                       pipeEOF = true;
!                                       break;
!                               }
!                               nread += len;
!                               if (nread == sizeof(PgStat_MsgHdr))
!                               {
!                                       /* we have the header, compute actual 
msg length */
!                                       targetlen = msg.msg_hdr.m_size;
!                                       if (targetlen < (int) 
sizeof(PgStat_MsgHdr) ||
!                                               targetlen > (int) sizeof(msg))
!                                       {
!                                               /*
!                                                * Bogus message length implies 
that we got out of
!                                                * sync with the buffer process 
somehow. Abort so that
!                                                * we can restart both 
!                                                */
!                                               ereport(ERROR,
!                                                         (errmsg("invalid 
statistics message length")));
!                                       }
!                       /*
!                        * EOF on the pipe implies that the buffer process 
exited. Fall
!                        * out of outer loop.
!                        */
!                       if (pipeEOF)
!                               break;
!                       /*
!                        * Distribute the message to the specific function 
handling it.
!                        */
!                       switch (msg.msg_hdr.m_type)
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_DUMMY:
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_BESTART:
!                                       pgstat_recv_bestart((PgStat_MsgBestart 
*) &msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_BETERM:
!                                       pgstat_recv_beterm((PgStat_MsgBeterm *) 
&msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_TABSTAT:
!                                       pgstat_recv_tabstat((PgStat_MsgTabstat 
*) &msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_TABPURGE:
pgstat_recv_tabpurge((PgStat_MsgTabpurge *) &msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_ACTIVITY:
pgstat_recv_activity((PgStat_MsgActivity *) &msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_DROPDB:
!                                       pgstat_recv_dropdb((PgStat_MsgDropdb *) 
&msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_RESETCOUNTER:
pgstat_recv_resetcounter((PgStat_MsgResetcounter *) &msg,
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_AUTOVAC_START:
pgstat_recv_autovac((PgStat_MsgAutovacStart *) &msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_VACUUM:
!                                       pgstat_recv_vacuum((PgStat_MsgVacuum *) 
&msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               case PGSTAT_MTYPE_ANALYZE:
!                                       pgstat_recv_analyze((PgStat_MsgAnalyze 
*) &msg, nread);
!                                       break;
!                               default:
!                                       break;
!                       }
!                       /*
!                        * Globally count messages.
!                        */
!                       pgStatNumMessages++;
!                       if (need_timer)
!                       {
!                               if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeval, NULL))
!                                       ereport(ERROR,
!                                                 (errmsg("unable to set 
statistics collector timer: %m")));
!                               need_timer = false;
!                       }
                 * Note that we do NOT check for postmaster exit inside the 
loop; only
                 * EOF on the buffer pipe causes us to fall out.  This ensures 
                 * don't exit prematurely if there are still a few messages in 
--- 1580,1704 ----
        pgStatBeTable = (PgStat_StatBeEntry *)
                palloc0(sizeof(PgStat_StatBeEntry) * MaxBackends);
         * Process incoming messages and handle all the reporting stuff until
         * there are no more messages.
        for (;;)
+               int nread;
                if (need_statwrite)
!                       //pgstat_write_statsfile();
                        need_statwrite = false;
                        need_timer = true;
!               if (need_timer)
!                       if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeval, NULL))
!                               ereport(ERROR,
!                                         (errmsg("unable to set statistics 
collector timer: %m")));
!                       need_timer = false;
!               nread = recv(pgStatSock, (char *) &msg,
!                                  sizeof(PgStat_Msg), 0);
!               if (nread > 0 && is_block_mode) /* got data */
!               {
!                       pg_set_noblock(pgStatSock);
!                       is_block_mode = false;
!               }
!               else if (nread < 0)
!               {
!                       if (errno == EAGAIN)
!                               if (!is_block_mode)
!                                       /* no data, block mode */
!                                       pg_set_block(pgStatSock);
!                                       is_block_mode = true;
+                               continue;
!                       else if (errno == EINTR)
!                               if (!PostmasterIsAlive(true))
!                                       ereport(ERROR,
!                                                       (errmsg("stats 
collector exited: %m")));
!                               continue;
!                       }
!                       else
!                               ereport(ERROR,
!                                               (errmsg("stats collector 
exited: %m")));
!               }
! //fprintf(stderr, "nread = %d, type = %d\n", nread, msg.msg_hdr.m_type);
! if (++loops % 1000 == 0)
!       fprintf(stderr, "loops = %d\n", loops);
!               /*
!                * Distribute the message to the specific function handling it.
!                */
!               switch (msg.msg_hdr.m_type)
!               {
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_DUMMY:
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_BESTART:
!                               pgstat_recv_bestart((PgStat_MsgBestart *) &msg, 
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_BETERM:
!                               pgstat_recv_beterm((PgStat_MsgBeterm *) &msg, 
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_TABSTAT:
!                               pgstat_recv_tabstat((PgStat_MsgTabstat *) &msg, 
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_TABPURGE:
!                               pgstat_recv_tabpurge((PgStat_MsgTabpurge *) 
&msg, nread);
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_ACTIVITY:
!                               pgstat_recv_activity((PgStat_MsgActivity *) 
&msg, nread);
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_DROPDB:
!                               pgstat_recv_dropdb((PgStat_MsgDropdb *) &msg, 
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_RESETCOUNTER:
pgstat_recv_resetcounter((PgStat_MsgResetcounter *) &msg,
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_AUTOVAC_START:
!                               pgstat_recv_autovac((PgStat_MsgAutovacStart *) 
&msg, nread);
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_VACUUM:
!                               pgstat_recv_vacuum((PgStat_MsgVacuum *) &msg, 
!                               break;
!                       case PGSTAT_MTYPE_ANALYZE:
!                               pgstat_recv_analyze((PgStat_MsgAnalyze *) &msg, 
!                               break;
!                       default:
!                               break;
+                * Globally count messages.
+                */
+               pgStatNumMessages++;
+               /*
                 * Note that we do NOT check for postmaster exit inside the 
loop; only
                 * EOF on the buffer pipe causes us to fall out.  This ensures 
                 * don't exit prematurely if there are still a few messages in 
*** 1813,2032 ****
- /* ----------
-  * pgstat_recvbuffer() -
-  *
-  *    This is the body of the separate buffering process. Its only
-  *    purpose is to receive messages from the UDP socket as fast as
-  *    possible and forward them over a pipe into the collector itself.
-  *    If the collector is slow to absorb messages, they are buffered here.
-  * ----------
-  */
- static void
- pgstat_recvbuffer(void)
- {
-       fd_set          rfds;
-       fd_set          wfds;
-       struct timeval timeout;
-       int                     writePipe = pgStatPipe[1];
-       int                     maxfd;
-       int                     len;
-       int                     xfr;
-       int                     frm;
-       PgStat_Msg      input_buffer;
-       char       *msgbuffer;
-       int                     msg_send = 0;   /* next send index in buffer */
-       int                     msg_recv = 0;   /* next receive index */
-       int                     msg_have = 0;   /* number of bytes stored */
-       bool            overflow = false;
-       /*
-        * Identify myself via ps
-        */
-       init_ps_display("stats buffer process", "", "");
-       set_ps_display("");
-       /*
-        * We want to die if our child collector process does.  There are two 
-        * we might notice that it has died: receive SIGCHLD, or get a write
-        * failure on the pipe leading to the child.  We can set SIGPIPE to kill
-        * us here.  Our SIGCHLD handler was already set up before we forked 
-        * do it that way, else it's a race condition).
-        */
-       pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
-       PG_SETMASK(&UnBlockSig);
-       /*
-        * Set the write pipe to nonblock mode, so that we cannot block when the
-        * collector falls behind.
-        */
-       if (!pg_set_noblock(writePipe))
-               ereport(ERROR,
-                               (errcode_for_socket_access(),
-                                errmsg("could not set statistics collector 
pipe to nonblocking mode: %m")));
-       /*
-        * Allocate the message buffer
-        */
-       msgbuffer = (char *) palloc(PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ);
-       /*
-        * Loop forever
-        */
-       for (;;)
-       {
-               FD_ZERO(&rfds);
-               FD_ZERO(&wfds);
-               maxfd = -1;
-               /*
-                * As long as we have buffer space we add the socket to the read
-                * descriptor set.
-                */
-               if (msg_have <= (int) (PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ - 
-               {
-                       FD_SET(pgStatSock, &rfds);
-                       maxfd = pgStatSock;
-                       overflow = false;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       if (!overflow)
-                       {
-                               ereport(LOG,
-                                               (errmsg("statistics buffer is 
-                               overflow = true;
-                       }
-               }
-               /*
-                * If we have messages to write out, we add the pipe to the 
-                * descriptor set.
-                */
-               if (msg_have > 0)
-               {
-                       FD_SET(writePipe, &wfds);
-                       if (writePipe > maxfd)
-                               maxfd = writePipe;
-               }
-               /*
-                * Wait for some work to do; but not for more than 10 seconds. 
-                * determines how quickly we will shut down after an ungraceful
-                * postmaster termination; so it needn't be very fast.)  struct 
-                * is modified by some operating systems.
-                */
-               timeout.tv_sec = 10;
-               timeout.tv_usec = 0;
-               if (select(maxfd + 1, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, &timeout) < 0)
-               {
-                       if (errno == EINTR)
-                               continue;
-                       ereport(ERROR,
-                                       (errcode_for_socket_access(),
-                                        errmsg("select() failed in statistics 
buffer: %m")));
-               }
-               /*
-                * If there is a message on the socket, read it and check for
-                * validity.
-                */
-               if (FD_ISSET(pgStatSock, &rfds))
-               {
-                       len = recv(pgStatSock, (char *) &input_buffer,
-                                          sizeof(PgStat_Msg), 0);
-                       if (len < 0)
-                               ereport(ERROR,
-                                               (errcode_for_socket_access(),
-                                                errmsg("could not read 
statistics message: %m")));
-                       /*
-                        * We ignore messages that are smaller than our common 
-                        */
-                       if (len < sizeof(PgStat_MsgHdr))
-                               continue;
-                       /*
-                        * The received length must match the length in the 
-                        */
-                       if (input_buffer.msg_hdr.m_size != len)
-                               continue;
-                       /*
-                        * O.K. - we accept this message.  Copy it to the 
-                        * msgbuffer.
-                        */
-                       frm = 0;
-                       while (len > 0)
-                       {
-                               xfr = PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ - msg_recv;
-                               if (xfr > len)
-                                       xfr = len;
-                               Assert(xfr > 0);
-                               memcpy(msgbuffer + msg_recv,
-                                          ((char *) &input_buffer) + frm,
-                                          xfr);
-                               msg_recv += xfr;
-                               if (msg_recv == PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ)
-                                       msg_recv = 0;
-                               msg_have += xfr;
-                               frm += xfr;
-                               len -= xfr;
-                       }
-               }
-               /*
-                * If the collector is ready to receive, write some data into 
-                * pipe.  We may or may not be able to write all that we have.
-                *
-                * NOTE: if what we have is less than PIPE_BUF bytes but more 
than the
-                * space available in the pipe buffer, most kernels will refuse 
-                * write any of it, and will return EAGAIN.  This means we will
-                * busy-loop until the situation changes (either because the 
-                * caught up, or because more data arrives so that we have more 
-                * PIPE_BUF bytes buffered).  This is not good, but is there 
any way
-                * around it?  We have no way to tell when the collector has 
-                * up...
-                */
-               if (FD_ISSET(writePipe, &wfds))
-               {
-                       xfr = PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ - msg_send;
-                       if (xfr > msg_have)
-                               xfr = msg_have;
-                       Assert(xfr > 0);
-                       len = pipewrite(writePipe, msgbuffer + msg_send, xfr);
-                       if (len < 0)
-                       {
-                               if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
-                                       continue;       /* not enough space in 
pipe */
-                               ereport(ERROR,
-                                               (errcode_for_socket_access(),
-                               errmsg("could not write to statistics collector 
pipe: %m")));
-                       }
-                       /* NB: len < xfr is okay */
-                       msg_send += len;
-                       if (msg_send == PGSTAT_RECVBUFFERSZ)
-                               msg_send = 0;
-                       msg_have -= len;
-               }
-               /*
-                * Make sure we forwarded all messages before we check for 
-                * termination.
-                */
-               if (msg_have != 0 || FD_ISSET(pgStatSock, &rfds))
-                       continue;
-               /*
-                * If the postmaster has terminated, we die too.  (This is no 
-                * the normal exit path, however.)
-                */
-               if (!PostmasterIsAlive(true))
-                       exit(0);
-       }
- }
  /* SIGQUIT signal handler for buffer process */
  static void
--- 1726,1731 ----
*** 2049,2054 ****
--- 1748,1754 ----
  /* SIGCHLD signal handler for buffer process */
  static void
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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