I guess I was thinking that the multiple iterations allow for easier pinpointing of noise on the system. I think I remember originally writing this during an episode where successive runs of pgbench were yielding wildly different results, and I wound up wanting an easy way to detect this and examine it further, so standard deviations in smaller sets of runs seemed an easy way to do it.

With large numbers of transactions, any noise in the system would get smoothed out. I guess I like the ability to see the incremental behavior of the system when using pgbench, and this lets me run it for a long enough duration inspecting more often.

If this isn't deemed generally useful functionality, that's fine.

Thomas F. O'Connell
Database Architecture and Programming
Sitening, LLC

110 30th Avenue North, Suite 6
Nashville, TN 37203-6320
615-260-0005 (cell)
615-469-5150 (office)
615-469-5151 (fax)

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