Am Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006 10:55 schrieb Martijn van Oosterhout:
> Can you explain why? Unknown options don't do anything, so having users
> remove them seems like a good move.

Build system frameworks assume that they can pass any option and that unknown 
options will be ignored.  This grew out of the old Cygnus GNU megatree but as 
you saw it is also used by package building frameworks like CDBS.  In fact, 
if we one day separate the PLs into separate source tarballs, I'd like to set 
up a similar megatree system so building everything becomes easier.

I don't object to having a strict mode or printing warnings or printing a 
summary at the end, but we are not in a position to redefine build system 

Peter Eisentraut

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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