On Sep 4, 2006, at 4:45 , Bruce Momjian wrote:

Another question.  Is this result correct?

        test=> select '999 months 999 days'::interval / 100;
         9 mons 38 days 40:33:36
        (1 row)

Should that be:

         9 mons 39 days 16:33:36

Yeah, I think it should be. I had been thinking of treating the month and day component as having separate time contributions, but it makes more sense to think of month as a collection of days first, integral or no, and then cascade down the fractional portion of the combined days component to time. I.e., 9.99 mon is 9 mon 29.7 days, rather than 9 mon 29 days 60480 sec.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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