Avg performance for these two datatypes can be improved by *not* calculating the sum of squares in the shared accumulator (do_numeric_accum). However there is a little subtlety as this function is also the shared by variance and stddev!

This patch:

- Modifies do_numeric_accum to have an extra bool parameter and does not calc sumX2 when it is false. - Amends all the accumulators that call it to include the bool (set to true). - Adds new functions [int8|numeric]_avg_accum that call do_numeric_accum with the bool set to false. - Amends the the bootstrap entries for pg_aggregate to use the new accumulators for avg(int8|numeric).
- Adds the new accumulators into the bootstrap entries for pg_proc.

Performance gain is approx 33% (it is still slower than doing sum/count - possibly due to the construct/deconstruct overhead of the numeric transition array).


Index: src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c,v
retrieving revision 1.96
diff -c -r1.96 numeric.c
*** src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c	4 Oct 2006 00:29:59 -0000	1.96
--- src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c	23 Nov 2006 08:51:44 -0000
*** 2060,2066 ****
  static ArrayType *
! do_numeric_accum(ArrayType *transarray, Numeric newval)
  	Datum	   *transdatums;
  	int			ndatums;
--- 2060,2066 ----
  static ArrayType *
! do_numeric_accum(ArrayType *transarray, Numeric newval, bool useSumX2)
  	Datum	   *transdatums;
  	int			ndatums;
*** 2082,2095 ****
  	N = DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_inc, N);
  	sumX = DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_add, sumX,
! 	sumX2 = DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_add, sumX2,
  	transdatums[0] = N;
  	transdatums[1] = sumX;
! 	transdatums[2] = sumX2;
  	result = construct_array(transdatums, 3,
  							 NUMERICOID, -1, false, 'i');
--- 2082,2097 ----
  	N = DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_inc, N);
  	sumX = DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_add, sumX,
! 	if (useSumX2)
! 		sumX2 = DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_add, sumX2,
  	transdatums[0] = N;
  	transdatums[1] = sumX;
! 	if (useSumX2)
! 		transdatums[2] = sumX2;
  	result = construct_array(transdatums, 3,
  							 NUMERICOID, -1, false, 'i');
*** 2103,2109 ****
  	ArrayType  *transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
  	Numeric		newval = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval));
--- 2105,2123 ----
  	ArrayType  *transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
  	Numeric		newval = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval, true));
! }
! /*
!  * Optimized case for average of numeric.
!  */
! Datum
! numeric_avg_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
! {
! 	ArrayType  *transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
! 	Numeric		newval = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval, false));
*** 2124,2130 ****
  	newval = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall1(int2_numeric, newval2));
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval));
--- 2138,2144 ----
  	newval = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall1(int2_numeric, newval2));
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval, true));
*** 2136,2142 ****
  	newval = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall1(int4_numeric, newval4));
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval));
--- 2150,2156 ----
  	newval = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall1(int4_numeric, newval4));
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval, true));
*** 2148,2156 ****
  	newval = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall1(int8_numeric, newval8));
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval));
--- 2162,2186 ----
  	newval = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall1(int8_numeric, newval8));
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval, true));
! }
! /*
!  * Optimized case for average of int8.
!  */
! Datum
! int8_avg_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
! {
! 	ArrayType  *transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
! 	Datum		newval8 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);
! 	Numeric		newval;
! 	newval = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall1(int8_numeric, newval8));
! 	PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(do_numeric_accum(transarray, newval, false));
Index: src/include/catalog/pg_aggregate.h
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_aggregate.h,v
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -c -r1.58 pg_aggregate.h
*** src/include/catalog/pg_aggregate.h	4 Oct 2006 00:30:07 -0000	1.58
--- src/include/catalog/pg_aggregate.h	23 Nov 2006 08:51:49 -0000
*** 80,89 ****
  /* avg */
! DATA(insert ( 2100	int8_accum		numeric_avg		0	1231	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2101	int4_avg_accum	int8_avg		0	1016	"{0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2102	int2_avg_accum	int8_avg		0	1016	"{0,0}" ));
! DATA(insert ( 2103	numeric_accum	numeric_avg		0	1231	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2104	float4_accum	float8_avg		0	1022	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2105	float8_accum	float8_avg		0	1022	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2106	interval_accum	interval_avg	0	1187	"{0 second,0 second}" ));
--- 80,89 ----
  /* avg */
! DATA(insert ( 2100	int8_avg_accum	numeric_avg		0	1231	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2101	int4_avg_accum	int8_avg		0	1016	"{0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2102	int2_avg_accum	int8_avg		0	1016	"{0,0}" ));
! DATA(insert ( 2103	numeric_avg_accum	numeric_avg		0	1231	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2104	float4_accum	float8_avg		0	1022	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2105	float8_accum	float8_avg		0	1022	"{0,0,0}" ));
  DATA(insert ( 2106	interval_accum	interval_avg	0	1187	"{0 second,0 second}" ));
Index: src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h,v
retrieving revision 1.427
diff -c -r1.427 pg_proc.h
*** src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h	4 Oct 2006 00:30:07 -0000	1.427
--- src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h	23 Nov 2006 08:52:37 -0000
*** 2697,2708 ****
--- 2697,2710 ----
  DATA(insert OID = 1832 (  float8_stddev_samp	PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 1 701 "1022" _null_ _null_ _null_ float8_stddev_samp - _null_ ));
  DESCR("STDDEV_SAMP aggregate final function");
  DATA(insert OID = 1833 (  numeric_accum    PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 1231 "1231 1700" _null_ _null_ _null_ numeric_accum - _null_ ));
+ DATA(insert OID = 2858 (  numeric_avg_accum    PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 1231 "1231 1700" _null_ _null_ _null_ numeric_avg_accum - _null_ ));
  DESCR("aggregate transition function");
  DATA(insert OID = 1834 (  int2_accum	   PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 1231 "1231 21" _null_ _null_ _null_ int2_accum - _null_ ));
  DESCR("aggregate transition function");
  DATA(insert OID = 1835 (  int4_accum	   PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 1231 "1231 23" _null_ _null_ _null_ int4_accum - _null_ ));
  DESCR("aggregate transition function");
  DATA(insert OID = 1836 (  int8_accum	   PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 1231 "1231 20" _null_ _null_ _null_ int8_accum - _null_ ));
+ DATA(insert OID = 2857 (  int8_avg_accum	   PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 2 1231 "1231 20" _null_ _null_ _null_ int8_avg_accum - _null_ ));
  DESCR("aggregate transition function");
  DATA(insert OID = 1837 (  numeric_avg	   PGNSP PGUID 12 f f t f i 1 1700 "1231" _null_ _null_ _null_	numeric_avg - _null_ ));
  DESCR("AVG aggregate final function");
Index: src/include/utils/builtins.h
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/include/utils/builtins.h,v
retrieving revision 1.282
diff -c -r1.282 builtins.h
*** src/include/utils/builtins.h	18 Sep 2006 22:40:40 -0000	1.282
--- src/include/utils/builtins.h	23 Nov 2006 08:52:41 -0000
*** 833,841 ****
--- 833,843 ----
  extern Datum text_numeric(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum numeric_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum numeric_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ extern Datum numeric_avg_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum int2_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum int4_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum int8_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ extern Datum int8_avg_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum numeric_avg(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum numeric_var_pop(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum numeric_var_samp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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