On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:

I'm scheduling more DBT-2 tests at a high # of warehouses per Greg Smith's suggestion just to see what happens, but I doubt that will change my mind on the above decisions.

I don't either, at worst I'd expect a small documentation update perhaps with some warnings based on what's discovered there. The form you've added checkpoint_completion_target in is sufficient to address all the serious concerns I had; I can turn it off, I can smooth just a bit without increasing recovery time too much, or I can go all out smooth.

Certainly no one should consider waiting for the tests I asked you about a hurdle to getting this patch committed, slowing that down was never my intention by bringing that up. I'm just curious to see if anything scurries out of some the darker corners in this area when they're illuminated. I'd actually like to see this get committed relatively soon because there's two interleaved merges stuck behind this one (the more verbose logging patch and the LRU modifications).

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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