Tom Lane writes:

>> hash table?

> I'd think the cost of hashing would render it impractical.  Most of the
> papers I've seen on this topic worry about getting single instructions
> out of the search loop --- a hash lookup will cost lots more than that.
> Moreover, you'd lose the guarantee of not-worse-than-linear time,
> because hash lookup can be pathologically bad if you get a lot of hash
> collisions.

compute max_wchar, min_wchar. If (d = max_wchar - min_wchar) < k (for
example, k = 1000), then we use index table (wchar -> wchar -
min_wchar). Else we use hash table. Number of collisions would be a
few (because hash table needs for pattern characters only. Characters
located serially, hash function = whchar % const).

>> The main difficulty with BM is verification and understanding "good
>> suffix shift" (the second part of BM) (I don't understand it entirely).

> Yeah, there seem to be a bunch of variants of BM (many of them not
> guaranteed linear, which I'm sure we don't want) and the earliest
> papers had bugs.  But a good implementation would be a lot easier
> sell because it would show benefits for a much wider set of use-cases
> than KMP.

Is there requirement for some string mathching algorithms/data
structure(suffix array/tree) in PG? or "We've
had no complaints about the speed of those functions".

Ajtkulov Pavel

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