
>  It seems much more restrictive than necessary, plus it does nothing
>  for the check-constraint case.  My recollection of the previous
>  discussion about how to fix this was that we needed to add an inhcount
>  column to pg_constraint, and add entries for not-null constraints (at
>  least inherited ones) to pg_constraint so that they'd be able to have
>  inhcount fields.  The latter would also allow us to attach names to
>  not-null constraints, which I think is required by spec but we've never
>  supported.
>                         regards, tom lane

Ok I found some time to look at what would be involved in that...
Seems doable.  Ill see what I can whip up in the next month.  (Im time
pressed, who isn't though) Ill just post whatever i come up with (if
and when) to psql-patches.

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