On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 3:50 PM Ulf Lohbrügge <ulf.lohbrue...@gmail.com>

> When I use the psql cli on the same database I can see via "\timing" that
> the first statement after "RESET ROLE;" is significantly slower. I was even
> able to strip it down to two statements ("SET ROLE ...;" and "RESET ROLE;"):
> ...
Maybe my observations here are already sufficient to find out what happens
> here? I guess that my setup with 1k rows in pg_roles and 1.5m rows in
> pg_class is probably the cause.

It would probably be enough if it were reproducible, but I can't reproduce

-- set up
perl -le 'print "create user foo$_;" foreach 1..1000'|psql
perl -le 'foreach $r (1..1000) {print "create schema foo$r authorization
perl -le 'foreach $r (reverse 1..1000) {print "set role foo$r;"; print
"create table foo$r.foo$_ (x serial primary key);" foreach 1..1000;}'|psql
> out

-- test
perl -le 'print "set role foo$_;\nreset role;" foreach 1..1000'|psql

Does it help when I create a test setup with a docker image that contains a
> database with that many entries in pg_roles and pg_class and share it here?

If you have a script to create the database, I'd be more likely to play
around with that than with a docker image.  (Which I have to guess would be
quite large anyway, with 1.5 rows in pg_class)




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