On Mon, Mar 07, 2022 at 08:51:24AM -0300, Luiz Felipph wrote:
> My current problem:
> under heavyload, i'm getting "connection closed" on the application
> level(java-jdbc, jboss ds)

Could you check whether the server is crashing ?

If you run "ps -fu postgres", you can compare the start time ("STIME") of the
postmaster parent process with that of the persistent, auxilliary, child
processes like the checkpointer.  If there was a crash, the checkpointer will
have restarted more recently than the parent process.

The SQL version of that is like:
SELECT date_trunc('second', pg_postmaster_start_time() - backend_start) FROM 
pg_stat_activity ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1;


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