Ypu wouldn't get an increasing running two instances on the same server.
Distributed database severs is a complex application and tuning it will
depend on storage and CPU capacity. It could be as simple as a bus. Are you
running this locally or on the cloud? Are you running this on a distributed
file system or across a network? There are a dozen different reasons why a
database would not be using 100% of capacity from indexing to disk or bus
bound or network bound.


On Wed, Apr 20, 2022, 1:27 PM <wakandavis...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Clearly, I have only supplied half of the information there. I'm really
> sorry about that. The TPS measurement of the application does in no way
> correspond to the TPS of Postgres.
> They are measured completely different but it's the measure we actually
> are interested in - as we want to assess the scalability of the
> application.
> What I wanted to show is that the server we are hosting Postgres on is not
> bottlenecked (in an obvious way), as running two instances in parallel on
> the same server gives us almost double
> the performance in our application and double the resource usage on the DB
> server. But what actually is strange(?), is that the TPS of Postgres does
> not change much, i.e. it's just 'distributed' to the two instances.
> It would seem like our application could not handle more throughput, but I
> did the same with three instances, where we stayed again with 'only' double
> the performance and the TPS of Postgres distributed to three instances
> (each client application running on an independent node).
> I'm really getting frustrated here as I (and no one I asked yet) has an
> explanation for this behavior.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 20, 2022 5:49 PM
> *To:* wakandavis...@outlook.com <wakandavis...@outlook.com>
> *Cc:* Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@enterprisedb.com>;
> pgsql-performance@lists.postgresql.org <
> pgsql-performance@lists.postgresql.org>
> *Subject:* Re: Postgresql TPS Bottleneck
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 5:13 AM <wakandavis...@outlook.com> wrote:
> The next thing I did was starting two independent Postgres instances on
> the same server and run independent client applications against each of
> them. This resulted in our application getting almost double of the TPS
> compared to running a single instance (from 13k to 23k) - Each Postgres
> instance had about 45k TPS which did not increase (?).
> How could that be?  Isn't there a one to one correspondence between app
> progress and PostgreSQL transactions?  How could one almost double while
> the other did not increase?  Anyway, 2x45 does seem like an increase
> (smallish) over 65.
> Your bottleneck for pgbench may be IPC/context switches.  I noticed that
> -S did about 7 times more than the default, and it only makes one round
> trip to the database while the default makes 7.
> You could package up the different queries made by the default transaction
> into one function call, in order to do the same thing but with fewer round
> trips to the database. This would be an easy way to see if my theory is
> true.  If it is, I don't know what that would mean for your app though, as
> we know nothing about its structure.
> I have a patch handy (attached) which implements this feature as the
> builtin transaction "-b tpcb-func".  If you don't want to recompile
> pgbench, you could dissect the patch to reimplement the same thing as a -f
> style transaction instead.
> Note that packaging it up this way does violate the spirit of the
> benchmark, as clearly someone is supposed to look at the results of the
> first select before deciding to proceed with the rest of the transaction.
> But you don't seem very interested in the spirit of the tpc-b benchmark,
> just in using it as a tool to track down a bottleneck.
> Cheers,
> Jeff

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