On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 05:02:07PM +0200, tias...@gmx.de wrote:
> <html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 
> 12.0px;"><div>What could be the reason of a query, which is sometimes fast 
> and sometimes slow (factor &gt;10x)?</div>
> <div>(running on a large table).</div>
> <div>&nbsp;</div>
> <div>&nbsp;</div></div></body></html>

Lots of possible issues.  Is it using a different query plan ?
Collect a good plan and a bad one and compare, or send both.
Perhaps use autoexplain to do so.

Turn on logging and send as much information as you can as described

Please try to configure your mail client to send text mail (instead of
or in addition to the html one).


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