On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 07:00:33PM +0200, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently trying to migrate an influxdb 1.7 smarthome database to
> postgresql (13.9) running on my raspberry 3.
> It works quite well, but for the queries executed by grafana I get a
> bit highter execution times than I'd hoped for.


 - enable track_io_timing and show explain (analyze,buffers,settings)
 - or otherwise show your non-default settings;
 - show \d of your table(s)
 - show the query plan for the 6 months query .  The query plan may be
   different, or (if you can run it with "analyze") it may be
   illuminating to see how the query "scales".
 - consider trying postgres 15 (btw, v16 will have a beta release next



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