Hi Maria, could you please run explain analyse for the problem query?
The ‘analyze’ addition will track actual spent time and show statistics to 
validate the planner’s assumptions.

Frits Hoogland

> On 27 Dec 2023, at 16:38, Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES] 
> <m.l.wil...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I am having a complex query slowing over time increasing in duration.  If 
> anyone has a few cycles that they could lend a hand or just point me in the 
> right direction with this – I would surely appreciate it!  Fairly beefy Linux 
> server with Postgres 12 (latest) – this particular query has been getting 
> slower over time & seemingly slowing everything else down.  The server is 
> dedicated entirely to this particular database.  Let me know if I can provide 
> any additional information!!  Thanks in advance!
> Here’s my background – Linux RHEL 8 – PostgreSQL 12.17.  – 
> MemTotal:       263216840 kB
> MemFree:         3728224 kB
> MemAvailable:   197186864 kB
> Buffers:            6704 kB
> Cached:         204995024 kB
> SwapCached:        19244 kB
> free -m
>               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   
> available
> Mem:         257047       51860        3722       10718      201464      
> 192644
> Swap:          4095         855        3240
> Here are a few of the settings in our postgres server:
> max_connections = 300                   # (change requires restart)
> shared_buffers = 10GB
> temp_buffers = 24MB
> work_mem = 2GB
> maintenance_work_mem = 1GB
> most everything else is set to the default.
> The query is complex with several joins:
> SELECT anon_1.granule_collection_id AS anon_1_granule_collection_id, 
> anon_1.granule_create_date AS anon_1_granule_create_date, 
> anon_1.granule_delete_date AS anon_1_granule_delete_date, 
> ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geography) AS anon_1_granule_geography, 
> ST_AsGeoJSON(anon_1.granule_geometry) AS anon_1_granule_geometry, 
> anon_1.granule_is_active AS anon_1_granule_is_active, 
> anon_1.granule_properties AS anon_1_granule_properties, 
> anon_1.granule_update_date AS anon_1_granule_update_date, anon_1.granule_uuid 
> AS anon_1_granule_uuid, anon_1.granule_visibility_last_update_date AS 
> anon_1_granule_visibility_last_update_date, anon_1.granule_visibility_id AS 
> anon_1_granule_visibility_id, collection_1.id <http://collection_1.id/> AS 
> collection_1_id, collection_1.entry_id AS collection_1_entry_id, 
> collection_1.short_name AS collection_1_short_name, collection_1.version AS 
> collection_1_version, file_1.id <http://file_1.id/> AS file_1_id, 
> file_1.location AS file_1_location, file_1.md5 AS file_1_md5, file_1.name AS 
> file_1_name, file_1.size AS file_1_size, file_1.type AS file_1_type, 
> visibility_1.id <http://visibility_1.id/> AS visibility_1_id, 
> visibility_1.name AS visibility_1_name, visibility_1.value AS 
> visibility_1_value
>         FROM (SELECT granule.collection_id AS granule_collection_id, 
> granule.create_date AS granule_create_date, granule.delete_date AS 
> granule_delete_date, granule.geography AS granule_geography, granule.geometry 
> AS granule_geometry, granule.is_active AS granule_is_active, 
> granule.properties AS granule_properties, granule.update_date AS 
> granule_update_date, granule.uuid AS granule_uuid, 
> granule.visibility_last_update_date AS granule_visibility_last_update_date, 
> granule.visibility_id AS granule_visibility_id
>         FROM granule JOIN collection ON collection.id <http://collection.id/> 
> = granule.collection_id
>         WHERE granule.is_active = true AND (collection.entry_id LIKE 
> 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_O3_1' OR 
> collection.entry_id LIKE 'AJAX_CH2O_1' OR collection.entry_id LIKE 
> 'AJAX_MMS_1') AND ((granule.properties #>> '{temporal_extent, 
> range_date_times, 0, beginning_date_time}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR 
> (granule.properties #>> '{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}') > 
> '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00' OR (granule.properties #>> '{temporal_extent, 
> periodic_date_times, 0, start_date}') > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00') AND 
> ((granule.properties #>> '{temporal_extent, range_date_times, 0, 
> end_date_time}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR (granule.properties #>> 
> '{temporal_extent, single_date_times, 0}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00' OR 
> (granule.properties #>> '{temporal_extent, periodic_date_times, 0, 
> end_date}') < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00') ORDER BY granule.uuid
>          LIMIT 26) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN collection AS collection_1 ON 
> collection_1.id <http://collection_1.id/> = anon_1.granule_collection_id LEFT 
> OUTER JOIN (granule_file AS granule_file_1 JOIN file AS file_1 ON file_1.id 
> <http://file_1.id/> = granule_file_1.file_id) ON anon_1.granule_uuid = 
> granule_file_1.granule_uuid LEFT OUTER JOIN visibility AS visibility_1 ON 
> visibility_1.id <http://visibility_1.id/> = anon_1.granule_visibility_id 
> ORDER BY anon_1.granule_uuid
> Here’s the explain:
>  Sort  (cost=10914809.92..10914810.27 rows=141 width=996)
>    Sort Key: granule.uuid
>    ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=740539.73..10914804.89 rows=141 width=996)
>          Hash Cond: (granule.visibility_id = visibility_1.id 
> <http://visibility_1.id/>)
>          ->  Hash Right Join  (cost=740537.56..10914731.81 rows=141 
> width=1725)
>                Hash Cond: (granule_file_1.granule_uuid = granule.uuid)
>                ->  Hash Join  (cost=644236.90..10734681.93 rows=22332751 
> width=223)
>                      Hash Cond: (file_1.id <http://file_1.id/> = 
> granule_file_1.file_id)
>                      ->  Seq Scan on file file_1  (cost=0.00..9205050.88 
> rows=22068888 width=207)
>                      ->  Hash  (cost=365077.51..365077.51 rows=22332751 
> width=20)
>                            ->  Seq Scan on granule_file granule_file_1  
> (cost=0.00..365077.51 rows=22332751 width=20)
>                ->  Hash  (cost=96300.33..96300.33 rows=26 width=1518)
>                      ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=96092.55..96300.33 
> rows=26 width=1518)
>                            ->  Limit  (cost=96092.27..96092.33 rows=26 
> width=1462)
>                                  ->  Sort  (cost=96092.27..96100.47 rows=3282 
> width=1462)
>                                        Sort Key: granule.uuid
>                                        ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.56..95998.73 
> rows=3282 width=1462)
>                                              ->  Seq Scan on collection  
> (cost=0.00..3366.24 rows=1 width=4)
>                                                    Filter: (((entry_id)::text 
> ~~ 'AJAX_CO2_CH4_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_O3_1'::text) OR 
> ((entry_id)::text ~~ 'AJAX_CH2O_1'::text) OR ((entry_id)::text ~~ 
> 'AJAX_MMS_1'::text))
>                                              ->  Index Scan using 
> ix_granule_collection_id on granule  (cost=0.56..92445.36 rows=18713 
> width=1462)
>                                                    Index Cond: (collection_id 
> = collection.id <http://collection.id/>)
>                                                    Filter: (is_active AND 
> (((properties #>> 
> '{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,beginning_date_time}'::text[]) > 
> '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> 
> '{temporal_extent,single_d
> ate_times,0}'::text[]) > '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text) OR ((properties 
> #>> '{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,start_date}'::text[]) > 
> '2015-10-06T23:59:59+00:00'::text)) AND (((properties #>> 
> '{temporal_extent,range_date_times,0,end_
> date_time}'::text[]) < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> 
> '{temporal_extent,single_date_times,0}'::text[]) < 
> '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text) OR ((properties #>> 
> '{temporal_extent,periodic_date_times,0,end_date}'::text[])
>  < '2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:00'::text)))
>                            ->  Index Scan using collection_pkey on collection 
> collection_1  (cost=0.28..7.99 rows=1 width=56)
>                                  Index Cond: (id = granule.collection_id)
>          ->  Hash  (cost=1.52..1.52 rows=52 width=16)
>                ->  Seq Scan on visibility visibility_1  (cost=0.00..1.52 
> rows=52 width=16)
> Heres a bit about the tables – 
> Granule
> Collection
> Granule_file
> Visibility
> Granule:
> public | granule                            | table | ims_api_writer | 36 GB  
>  | 
> ims_api=# \d+ granule
>                                                        Table "public.granule"
>            Column            |            Type             | Collation | 
> Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
> -----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+-------------
>  collection_id               | integer                     |           | not 
> null |         | plain    |              | 
>  create_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           | not 
> null |         | plain    |              | 
>  delete_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           |      
>     |         | plain    |              | 
>  geometry                    | geometry(Geometry,4326)     |           |      
>     |         | main     |              | 
>  is_active                   | boolean                     |           |      
>     |         | plain    |              | 
>  properties                  | jsonb                       |           |      
>     |         | extended |              | 
>  update_date                 | timestamp without time zone |           | not 
> null |         | plain    |              | 
>  uuid                        | uuid                        |           | not 
> null |         | plain    |              | 
>  visibility_id               | integer                     |           | not 
> null |         | plain    |              | 
>  geography                   | geography(Geometry,4326)    |           |      
>     |         | main     |              | 
>  visibility_last_update_date | timestamp without time zone |           |      
>     |         | plain    |              | 
> Indexes:
>     "granule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (uuid)
>     "granule_is_active_idx" btree (is_active)
>     "granule_properties_producer_id_idx" btree ((properties ->> 
> 'producer_granule_id'::text))
>     "granule_update_date_idx" btree (update_date)
>     "idx_granule_geometry" gist (geometry)
>     "ix_granule_collection_id" btree (collection_id)
> Foreign-key constraints:
>     "granule_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES 
> collection(id)
>     "granule_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES 
> visibility(id)
> Referenced by:
>     TABLE "granule_file" CONSTRAINT "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN 
> KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES granule(uuid)
>     TABLE "granule_temporal_range" CONSTRAINT 
> "granule_temporal_range_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) 
> REFERENCES granule(uuid)
> Triggers:
>     granule_temporal_range_trigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON 
> granule FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION sync_granule_temporal_range()
> Access method: heap
> Collection:
> public | collection                         | table | ims_api_writer | 39 MB  
>  | 
> ims_api=# \d collection
>                                                  Table "public.collection"
>             Column            |            Type             | Collation | 
> Nullable |                Default                 
> ------------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------------
>  id                           | integer                     |           | not 
> null | nextval('collection_id_seq'::regclass)
>  access_constraints           | text                        |           |     
>      | 
>  additional_attributes        | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  ancillary_keywords           | character varying(160)[]    |           |     
>      | 
>  create_date                  | timestamp without time zone |           | not 
> null | 
>  dataset_language             | character varying(80)[]     |           |     
>      | 
>  dataset_progress             | text                        |           |     
>      | 
>  data_resolutions             | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  dataset_citation             | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  delete_date                  | timestamp without time zone |           |     
>      | 
>  distribution                 | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  doi                          | character varying(220)      |           |     
>      | 
>  entry_id                     | character varying(80)       |           | not 
> null | 
>  entry_title                  | character varying(1030)     |           |     
>      | 
>  geometry                     | geometry(Geometry,4326)     |           |     
>      | 
>  is_active                    | boolean                     |           | not 
> null | 
>  iso_topic_categories         | character varying[]         |           |     
>      | 
>  last_update_date             | timestamp without time zone |           | not 
> null | 
>  locations                    | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  long_name                    | character varying(1024)     |           |     
>      | 
>  metadata_associations        | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  metadata_dates               | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  personnel                    | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  platforms                    | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  processing_level_id          | integer                     |           |     
>      | 
>  product_flag                 | text                        |           |     
>      | 
>  project_id                   | integer                     |           |     
>      | 
>  properties                   | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  quality                      | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  references                   | character varying(12000)[]  |           |     
>      | 
>  related_urls                 | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  summary                      | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  short_name                   | character varying(80)       |           |     
>      | 
>  temporal_extents             | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  version                      | character varying(80)       |           |     
>      | 
>  use_constraints              | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  version_description          | text                        |           |     
>      | 
>  visibility_id                | integer                     |           | not 
> null | 
>  world_date                   | timestamp without time zone |           |     
>      | 
>  tiling_identification_system | jsonb                       |           |     
>      | 
>  collection_data_type         | text                        |           |     
>      | 
>  standard_product             | boolean                     |           | not 
> null | false
> Indexes:
>     "collection_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>     "collection_entry_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (entry_id)
>     "idx_collection_geometry" gist (geometry)
> Foreign-key constraints:
>     "collection_processing_level_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (processing_level_id) 
> REFERENCES processing_level(id)
>     "collection_project_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES 
> project(id)
>     "collection_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (visibility_id) REFERENCES 
> visibility(id)
> Referenced by:
>     TABLE "collection_organization" CONSTRAINT 
> "collection_organization_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) 
> REFERENCES collection(id)
>     TABLE "collection_science_keyword" CONSTRAINT 
> "collection_science_keyword_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) 
> REFERENCES collection(id)
>     TABLE "collection_spatial_processing_hint" CONSTRAINT 
> "collection_spatial_processing_hint_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY 
> (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)
>     TABLE "granule" CONSTRAINT "granule_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY 
> (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(id)
>     TABLE "granule_temporal_range" CONSTRAINT 
> "granule_temporal_range_collection_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) 
> REFERENCES collection(id)
> Granule_file:
>  public | granule_file                       | table | ims_api_writer | 1108 
> MB | 
> \d granule_file
>                Table "public.granule_file"
>     Column    |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default 
> --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------
>  granule_uuid | uuid    |           |          | 
>  file_id      | integer |           |          | 
> Foreign-key constraints:
>     "granule_file_file_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES file(id)
>     "granule_file_granule_uuid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (granule_uuid) REFERENCES 
> granule(uuid)
> Visibility:
> public | visibility                         | table | ims_api_writer | 40 kB  
>  | 
> \d visibility
>                                    Table "public.visibility"
>  Column |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                
> Default                 
> --------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------------
>  id     | integer               |           | not null | 
> nextval('visibility_id_seq'::regclass)
>  name   | character varying(80) |           | not null | 
>  value  | integer               |           | not null | 
> Indexes:
>     "visibility_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>     "visibility_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)
>     "visibility_value_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (value)
> Referenced by:
>     TABLE "collection" CONSTRAINT "collection_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY 
> (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)
>     TABLE "granule" CONSTRAINT "granule_visibility_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY 
> (visibility_id) REFERENCES visibility(id)
> Thanks for the help!
> Maria Wilson
> Nasa/Langley Research Center
> Hampton, Virginia USA
> m.l.wil...@nasa.gov <mailto:m.l.wil...@nasa.gov>

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