On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 12:09, Patrick Hatcher wrote:

> I have 6gig Ram box.  I've set my shmmax  to 3072000000.  The database
> starts up fine without any issues.  As soon as a query is ran
> or a FTP process to the server  is done, the used memory shoots up and
> appears to never be released.

In my experience Linux likes to allocate almost all available RAM. I've
never had any trouble with that. I'm looking at the memory meter on my
RH9 development workstation and it is at 95%. Performance is good, so I
just trust that the kernel knows what it is doing.

> Mem:  6711564K av, 6517776K used,  193788K free,       0K shrd,   25168K
> buff
> Swap: 2044056K av,       0K used, 2044056K free                 6257620K
> cached

I've heard anecdotally that Linux has troubles if the swap space is less
than the RAM size. I note that you have 6G of RAM, but only 2G of swap. 

I'm sure others on the list will have more definitive opinions.


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