Will that make a difference? From what I've seen, it does not make much difference, but I have seen queries speed up when rewritten explicit joins. I guess it depends on other things, but is it really so that the explicit joins are bad somehow? Do you have any pointers to documentation about it, if so?


--On måndag, september 29, 2003 00.54.43 +0200 Gaetano Mendola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Palle Girgensohn wrote:
uu=# explain analyze
uu-#  select lower(substr(p.last_name,1,1)) as letter, count(*)
uu-#  FROM course c join group_data gd on (c.active_group_id =
uu-#       join person p on (gd.item_text = p.userid)
uu-#       join dyn_field_person dfp on (dfp.extern_item_id = 10 and
uu-#       join dyn_field_content_person dfcp on (dfp.id =
dfcp.dyn_field_id and dfcp.userid=p.userid)
uu-#       left outer join participant pt on (pt.userid = p.userid and
pt.course_id = 707)
uu-#  WHERE c.id = 707
uu-#  group by 1
uu-# ;

Why are you using this form of join ? When and if is not necessary use the implicit form.

Regards Gaetano Mendola

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