> > Unfortunately, while there are companies hawking SSDs, they are in the
> > "you'll have to talk to our salescritter for pricing" category, which
> > means that they must be ferociously expensive.  :-(.
> the cheapest I found was the one with external backup power was ~1.8k$
> for 2GB PCI device
> http://www.cdw.com/shop/search/Results.aspx?key=platypus&x=0&y=0

That is pretty neat.

> An external 16GB one with battery backup and
> write-t-small-ide-drives-on-power-failure was ~25k$

And they scale up from there. This company has one that goes up to 1TB RAM.
4.5kW power consumption? I hate to see what kind of heat that thing generates.


I have no idea what price the monster unit is, but someone described the price
of one of the *lesser* units as "made me physically ill". So I can only imagine.


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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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