We frequently need to know the number of tuples in a table although sometimes we do 
have WHERE status='X' for example but this often doesn't guarantee an indexed scan. 
And yes, my reasons are the same - reporting figures eg number of bookings made since 
the system was introduced.   Have you tried doing

SELECT count(pkey)

rather than count(*)

where pkey is the primary key (assuming you have a single field that is a primary key 
or a unique indexed key).  This is MUCH faster in my experience.  If you don't have 
such an animal, I'd seriously suggesting putting in a serial number and recreate the 
table with that as the primary key.

The vacuuming bit is not accurate enough for us in many instances.  Also a count can 
be easily fed into other programs/web pages etc without having to parse the vacuum 


At 23:22 02/10/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>I can tell you that this is one of the first thing applications' programmers and IT 
>managers notice. It can slightly tarnish postgres' image when it takes it many long 
>seconds to do what other databases can do in a snap. The "whys and wherefores" can be 
>hard to get across once they see the comparative numbers.
>When I use Informix "dbaccess" it has a "status" which will tell me the row count of 
>a table virtually instantly -- it can be locked out by a user with an exclusive lock 
>so its not entirely independant of the table (like a stored value in one of the 
>system catalog tables).
>This is not to say Informix is "right" and Postgres is "wrong" ... but it  is 
>something that virtually any newcomer will run into head long, with resulting bruises 
>and contusions, not to mention confusion.
>At the very least this needs to be VERY clearly explained right up front, along with 
>some of the possible work-arounds, depending on what one is really after with this 
>Greg Williamson
>GlobeXplorer LLC
>-----Original Message-----
>From:   Dror Matalon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent:   Thu 10/2/2003 9:27 PM
>Subject:        Re: [PERFORM] count(*) slow on large tables
>I smell a religious war in the aii:-). 
>Can you go several days in a row without doing select count(*) on any
>of your tables? 
>I suspect that this is somewhat a domain specific issue. In some areas
>you don't need to know the total number of rows in your tables, in
>others you do. 
>I also suspect that you're right, that end user applications don't use
>this information as often as DBAs would. On the other hand, it seems
>whenever you want to optimize your app (something relevant to this list),
>one of the things you do need to know is the number of rows in your
>On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 10:08:18PM -0400, Christopher Browne wrote:
>> The world rejoiced as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dror Matalon) wrote:
>> > I don't have an opinion on how hard it would be to implement the
>> > tracking in the indexes, but "select count(*) from some table" is, in my
>> > experience, a query that people tend to run quite often. 
>> > One of the databases that I've used, I believe it was Informix, had that
>> > info cached so that it always new how many rows there were in any
>> > table. It was quite useful.
>> I can't imagine why the raw number of tuples in a relation would be
>> expected to necessarily be terribly useful.
>> I'm involved with managing Internet domains, and it's only when people
>> are being pretty clueless that anyone imagines that "select count(*)
>> from domains;" would be of any use to anyone.  There are enough "test
>> domains" and "inactive domains" and other such things that the raw
>> number of "things in the table" aren't really of much use.
>> - I _do_ care how many pages a table occupies, to some extent, as that
>> determines whether it will fit in my disk space or not, but that's not
>> COUNT(*).
>> - I might care about auditing the exact numbers of records in order to
>> be assured that a data conversion process was done correctly.  But in
>> that case, I want to do something a whole *lot* more detailed than
>> mere COUNT(*).
>> I'm playing "devil's advocate" here, to some extent.  But
>> realistically, there is good reason to be skeptical of the merits of
>> using SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE for much of anything.
>> Furthermore, the relation that you query mightn't be a physical
>> "table."  It might be a more virtual VIEW, and if that's the case,
>> bets are even MORE off.  If you go with the common dictum of "good
>> design" that users don't directly access tables, but go through VIEWs,
>> users may have no way to get at SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE.
>> -- 
>> output = reverse("ac.notelrac.teneerf" "@" "454aa")
>> http://www.ntlug.org/~cbbrowne/finances.html
>> Rules  of  the  Evil  Overlord  #74.   "When  I  create  a  multimedia
>> presentation of my plan designed  so that my five-year-old advisor can
>> easily  understand the  details, I  will not  label the  disk "Project
>> Overlord" and leave it lying on top of my desk."
>> <http://www.eviloverlord.com/>
>> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
>Dror Matalon, President
>Zapatec Inc 
>1700 MLK Way
>Berkeley, CA 94709
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster 

Hilary Forbes
DMR Computer Limited:   http://www.dmr.co.uk/
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