Asked and answered on the list probably a thousand times, but what else is there to discuss on the performance list? :)

I recently built a rather powerful machine to be used in a heavily accessed database.. the machine is a dual AthlonMP 2800+, 2GB of PC2100 ECC, and a 4x18GB RAID-0 using 15k rpm fujitsu MAS drives on a 4ch u160 ICP-Vortex card with 256MB of cache.

The box runs FreeBSD, tracking RELENG_4 (-STABLE) and PostGreSQL 7.3.4 from ports (7.3.4_1)

There are a few databases running on the machine, but for now, the one that is the most performance sensitive is also arguably the worst designed. The access pattern on a day to day basis looks basically like this:

1. ~75k rows aggregate are inserted into two different tables, 70/30 split between two tables. The 70% going to the smaller table (containing just two integers) and the 30% going into a larger table containing a rather largish (~4KB) text field and more integer types; no searching of any kind is done on this text field, it appears in no where clauses, and is not indexed.

2. As these rows are inserted, other processes see them and for each row:
a. A new row containing just one field is inserted, that row being an FK into the 30% table mentioned above.
b. A row in a 3rd table is updated; this table never gets deleted from, and rarely sees inserts, it's just a status table, but it has nearly a million rows. The updated row is an integer.
c. The 30% table itself is updated.

3. When these processes finish their processing, the rows in both the 70/30 tables and the table from 2a are deleted; The 2b table has a row again updated.

There is only one process that does all the inserting, from a web backend. Steps 2 and 3 are done by several other backend processes on different machines, "fighting" to pick up the newly inserted rows and process them. Not the most efficient design, but modifying the current code isn't an option; rest assured that this is being redesigned and new code is being written, but the developer who wrote the original left us with his spaghetti-python mess and no longer works for us.

I run a 'vacuum analyze verbose' on the database in question every hour, and a reindex on every table in the database every six hours, 'vacuum full' is run manually as required perhaps anywhere from once a week to once a month. I realize the analyze may not be running often enough and the reindex more often than need be, but I don't think these are adversely affecting performance very much; degredation over time does not appear to be an issue.

So on with the question. Given the above machine with the above database and access pattern, I've configured the system with the following options. I'm just wondering what some of you more experierenced pg tuners have to say. I can provide more information such as ipcs, vmstat, iostat, etc output on request but I figure this message is getting long enough already..

Thanks for any input. Kernel and postgres information follows.

Related kernel configuration options:

cpu I686_CPU
maxusers 256
options         MAXDSIZ="(1024UL*1024*1024)"
options         MAXSSIZ="(512UL*1024*1024)"
options         DFLDSIZ="(512UL*1024*1024)"
options         SYSVSHM                 #SYSV-style shared memory
options         SYSVMSG                 #SYSV-style message queues
options         SYSVSEM                 #SYSV-style semaphores
options         SHMMAXPGS=65536
options         SHMMAX="(SHMMAXPGS*PAGE_SIZE+1)"
options         SHMSEG=256
options         SEMMNI=384
options         SEMMNS=768
options         SEMMNU=384
options         SEMMAP=384

relevant postgresql.conf options:

max_connections = 128
shared_buffers = 20000
max_fsm_relations = 10000
max_fsm_pages = 2000000
max_locks_per_transaction = 64
wal_buffers = 128
sort_mem = 262144 # we have some large queries running at times
vacuum_mem = 131072
checkpoint_segments = 16
checkpoint_timeout = 300
commit_delay = 1000
commit_siblings = 32
fsync = true
wal_fsync_method = fsync
effective_cache_size = 49152 # 384MB, this could probably be higher
random_page_cost = 1.7
cpu_tuble_cost = 0.005
cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.0005
cpu_operator_cost = 0.0012
geqo_threshold = 20
stats_start_collector = true
stats_reset_on_server_start = off
stats_command_string = true
stats_row_level = true
stats_block_level = true

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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