Oops! [EMAIL PROTECTED] was seen spray-painting on a wall:
> We installed our Postgresql package from the RH CDROM v9.
> The version is v7.3.2
> Is there a compatibility matrix for Postgresql vs OS that I can verify?
> I have checked the ftp sites for Postgresql software under the
> binary/RPMS folder and discovered that v7.3.2 is not available for
> redhat 9.0 Only v7.3.3 and above is available for redhat 9.0

The reason for minor releases is to fix substantial problems.

Nobody bothered packaging 7.3.2 for RH9.0 because by the time RH9.0
was available, 7.3.3 or 7.3.4 were available, and there was therefore
no point in packaging a version KNOWN TO BE DEFECTIVE when there was a

Unless you specifically want to live with the defects remedied in
7.3.3 and 7.3.4, then you should upgrade to 7.3.4.

It actually appears likely, based on recent discussions, that there
will be a 7.3.5; there might be merit in going to that.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="acm.org" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"If you  pick up a starving dog  and make him prosperous,  he will not
bite you; that  is the principal difference between a  dog and a man."
-- Mark Twain

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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