Stefan Champailler wrote:
Dear You all,

(please tell me if this has already been discussed, I was unable to find any convincing information)

I'm developing a small application, tied to a PG 7.4 beta 5 (i didn't upgrade). The DB i use is roughly 20 tales each of them containing at most 30 records (I'm still in development). I can provide a whole dump if necessary.
I access the DB throug IODBC (Suse Linux 8.1), through PHP. The machine everything runs on is 512M of Ram, 2.5GHz speed. So I assume it should be blazingly fast.

So here's my trouble : some DELETE statement take up to 1 minute to complete (but not always, sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's that slow). Here's a typical one : DELETE FROM response_bool WHERE response_id = '125'
The response_bool table has no foreing key and no index on response_id column. No foreign key reference the response_bool table. There are 6 rows in the table (given that size, I assumed that an index was not necessary).

So 1 minute to complete look like I did something REALLY bad.

It is my feeling that doing the same query with psql works without problem, but I can't be sure.

I think that last sentence is the crux of the problem. If you can establish for sure that the unreasonable delay is _only_ there when the command is issued through IODBC, then it's not a Postgresql problem.

Out of curiosity, why are you using ODBC for PHP anyway?  PHP has Postgresql
libraries that work very well.  I use them quite often without problems.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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