
We did try clustering on the date_key for the fact table below for a months worth of data as most of our requests for data are date range based, i.e. get me info for the time period between 2004-02-01 and 2004-02-07. This normally results in a plan that is doing an index scan on the date_key which in theory should be fast. However we have found that it is almost always faster to run a sequential scan on the data set due to the size, and probably as Tom pointed out, the high seek time we seem to be experiencing with the MAC hardware which kills us when using the index to pop all over the disk. We saw no improvement after having clustered based on the date_key.

I am certainly open to any suggestions on how to deal with speed issues on these sorts of large tables, it isn't going to go away for us. :-(

We are working on trying to make the table below smaller in record size so we can get more records in a page. An example is we are removing the subscriber_key which is 32 characters wide and replacing it with an int (user_id) which is an FK to a dimension table.

I welcome any advice from folks that have used postgres to build data warehouses.



Table "public.f_pageviews"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('public.f_pageviews_id_seq'::text)
date_key | integer | not null
time_key | integer | not null
content_key | integer | not null
location_key | integer | not null
session_key | integer | not null
subscriber_key | text | not null
persistent_cookie_key | integer | not null
ip_key | integer | not null
referral_key | integer | not null
servlet_key | integer | not null
tracking_key | integer | not null
provider_key | text | not null
marketing_campaign_key | integer | not null
orig_airport | text | not null
dest_airport | text | not null
commerce_page | boolean | not null default false
job_control_number | integer | not null
sequenceid | integer | not null default 0
url_key | integer | not null
useragent_key | integer | not null
web_server_name | text | not null default 'Not Available'::text
cpc | integer | not null default 0
referring_servlet_key | integer | not null default 1
first_page_key | integer | not null default 1
newsletterid_key | text | not null default 'Not Available'::text
userid_key | integer |
"f_pageviews_pkey" primary key, btree (id)
"idx_pageviews_date" btree (date_key)
"idx_pageviews_session" btree (session_key)

scott.marlowe wrote:

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, Sean Shanny wrote:


We have the following setting for random page cost:

random_page_cost = 1 # units are one sequential page fetch cost

Any suggestions on what to bump it up to?

We are waiting to hear back from Apple on the speed issues, so far we are not impressed with the hardware in helping in the IO department. Our DB is about 263GB with indexes now so there is not way it is going to fit into memory. :-( I have taken the step of breaking out the data into month based groups just to keep the table sizes down. Our current months table has around 72 million rows in it as of today. The joys of building a data warehouse and trying to make it as fast as possible.

You may be able to achieve similar benefits with a clustered index.

see cluster:

\h cluster
Command:     CLUSTER
Description: cluster a table according to an index
CLUSTER indexname ON tablename
CLUSTER tablename

I've found this can greatly increase speed, but on 263 gigs of data, I'd run it when you had a couple days free. You might wanna test it on a smaller test set you can afford to chew up some I/O CPU time on over a weekend.

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